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  • Mið ðý gesætt on dúne oelebeárna ongeaegn (-gægn, R.) temple

    (contra templum),

      Mk. L. 13, 3.
  • Ásettað mé ongǽn (-gén, v. l.) þysum fýre

    contra ignem me ponite,

      Gr. D. 48, 3.
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  • Móyses ástrehte his hand ongeán ðǽre sǽ, Hml. Th. ii. 194, 26. (2 a) denoting motion in a contrary direction to that of a moving body :-- Hát unmǽlne mon gefeccean ongeán streáme

    (moving the vessel up stream)

    healfne sester yrnendes wæteres,
      Lch. iii. 12, 1.
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  • Áríseð cynn ongægn cynne,

      Lk. L. R. 21, 10.
  • Ic him módes gǽlsan ongeán bere grimra geþonca,

      Jul. 367.
  • Ic eów sweord ongeán oðberan þence,

      Gú. 273 : El. 43.
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  • Geopena ongeán mé lífes geat,

      Hml. Th. i. 76, 3 : Rä. 76, 3.
  • Þæt hyre sié swegl ongeán,

      Dóm. 69. (4 a)
    denoting obstruction of that which comes :-- Wá ðæs mannes sáwle þe betýnð his duru ongeán Godes þearfan . . . ; swá him bið betýned heofona ríces duru ongeán on dómes dæge, Wlfst. 239, 1-5.
in response
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  • Iúdas hire ongén þingode,

      El. 609: Gú. 210.
  • Werhádes men ongunnon symle þone dreám, and wífhádes men him sungon ongeán,

      Hml. Th. ii. 548, 12.
denoting reciprocal action,
in turn, on the other hand
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  • Se abbud Libertinum be his fótum genam . . . Ongǽn (ondgegn, v. l.) þæm


    Libertinus hine sylfne tó þæs abbudes fótum ástrehte,
      Gr. D. 21, 34.
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  • Hí lédon hine ongeán þá sunnan

    they laid him down with his face to the sun,

      Hml. S. 35, 160. (1 a) :-- Se
    assa geseah ðone engel ongeán hine standan, and him ðæs færeltes forwiernan, Past. 255, 24.
  • Dryhten tóbrǽt ðone greádan his mildheortnesse ongén ðá ðe tó him gecierrað,

      405, 10.
  • Sing on þæs mannes heáfod ufan on yrnendum wætere and wend ꝥ heáfod ongeán streám (

    he must face up stream),

      Lch. iii. 70, 8.
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  • Weras wíf somod urnon ongeán þá þeódnes mægð, Jud. 165. (2 a)

    in a direction opposite to that of

    another moving body :-- Ðá seofon tunglan farad ǽfre ongeán ðone rodor,
      Sal. K. p. 124, 155.
  • Cymð hé tó lande, hwílum ongeán wind and ongeán ðá ýða, hwílum mid ǽgðrum,

      Past. 433, 3.
  • Wæter hé déð þæt yrnð ongeán streám, Wlfst. 196, 5 : C. D. B. ii. 374, 10. (2 b)

    to meet

    an event, time, &c. :-- Man dráf út his módor ongeán þone weallendan winter,
      Chr. 1037 P. 160, 16.
in contravention or
violation of right, custom
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  • Þeáh ðe hwá cweðe tállic word ongeán mé, him bið forgifen . . . sé ðe cweð word ongán ðone Hálgan Gást, ne bið hit him forgifen,

      Hml. Th. i. 498, 24-26.
  • Ongann hé swíðe yrre clypian ongeán (-gǽn, -gén,

    v. ll.)

      Gr. D. 37, 6.
  • Ongeán ungewemmedde

    contra inmunem (castitatem saeviens),

      An. Ox. 4333.
  • Hiora ǽgþer ꝥ mǽste folc ongeán ó erne geteáh,

      Ors. 2, 7; S. 90, 17.
  • Ðá biscopas ongeaegn hine

    (aduersus eum)

    somnung gegeadredon,
      Jn. p. 6, 10.
  • Ongeán Godes ryht,

      Ll. Th. i. 170, 12 : 312, 8 : ii. 296, 17.
  • Ládige hé (the accused) hine mid áðe ongeán hine (

    the accuser),

      489, 10.
  • Ongeán gewunan

    contra ritum,

      An. Ox. 1819. (3 a)
    where one thing is subjected to the action of another :-- Aðamans, gif his mon onhrínð mid buccan blóde, hé hnescað ongeán ðæt líðe blód, Past. 271, 4.
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  • Hé ongan lifgean ongeán God, ǽr þon þe hé him sylfum lifgean mihte

    ante coepit vivere Deo, quam sibi,

      Bl. H. 165, 22.
  • Lócigan ongeán þás sunnan,

      Solil. H. 34, 22.
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  • Ongeán ðæt sint tó lǽranne ðá ofersprǽcean

    contra admonendi sunt mulliloquia vacantes,

      Past. 277, 3 : 289, 4: 296, 7 : 351, 3.
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  • Fæste hé nú ongeán ꝥ hé ǽr þurh fylle unriht gefremede,

      Ll. Th. ii. 284, 2.
  • Uton efstan þæt wé magon him gewrixl ágyldan . . . ongeán ealle þá gód þe hé ús forgyfen hæfð,

      Wlfst. 145, 8.
  • Fela þinga dydan þá geogeleras þurh drýcræft ongeán þæt þe Móyses þurh Godes mihta fela wundra worhte,

      98, 9.
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  • Ðá yfelan brǽdað on worulde ongeán þæt mǽste yfel þe mannum is tówerd,

      Wlfst. 83, 15. B.
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  • Hit sprang ongeán,

      By. 137.
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  • Hé symle ongén cwæð, 'Gewurþe Godes willa,' Hml. S. 33, 33. (4 a) where sound is the result of an act :-- Man lédde tó his breóstum bráde ísene clútas swíðe glówende ꝥ hit sang ongeán, Hml. S. 37, 163. (4 b) where action is a reply to, or return for, action :-- Sé, sé ðe hátheortnesse ofercuman wille, ðæt hé hiene ongeán ne háthirte (

    he must not reply to fury with fury),

      Past. 296, 6.
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  • Hé bord ongeán hefeð,

      Jul. 385.
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  • On hú mycelre Godes gehyrdnysse beóð þá þe cunnon hý sylfe forseón . . . Swá eác þǽr ongeán (

    e contra)

    beforan Godes eágum licgeað forsewene þá þe tóþindað,
      Gr. D. 40, 3.
  • Hé oðsóc ꝥ hé hit nǽre; hí þá ongén hine gecnǽwne gedydon be þám tácne þe on his hneccan wæs ꝥ hé hit wæs,

      Hml. S. 30, 274.
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v. þǽr-ongeán.
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  • ongeagn,