Bosworth Toller's


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the object a person
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  • Hé wæs onsended tó lǽranne,

      Past. 441, 30.
  • Ic on suna þínne gelýfe, hǽlendne cyning hider onsendne,

      Hy. 10, 10.
the object a thing,
material, to
cause to be conveyed to a goal
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  • Onsend Higelâce beaduscrûda betst,

      B. 452 : 1483.
of a missile (lit. or fig. ) or destructive agency
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  • Drihten onsent manegra cynna wítu ofer ðâ synfullan . . . hê onsent fŷr ofer hig, and ungemetlice hæ̂to þæ̂re sunnan,

      Ps. Th. 10, 7.
  • Wrôhtbora in folc Godes forð onsendeð of his brægdbogan biterne stræ̂l,

      Cri. 764.
  • On gramra gemang hetend hildenæ̂dran forð onsendan,

      El. 120.
of speech, to address, direct prayer,
send a message
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  • Þislic æ̂rende se pâpa eft onsende and þâs word cwæð,

      Bl. H. 205, 22.
  • Hê oft his word Gode ûp onsende,

      Gû. 748.
  • Þîne bêne onsend in þâ beorhtan gesceaft,

      El. 1089.
to put in possession of a non-material object
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  • Ic him in onsende bitre geþoncas,

      Jul. 404.
  • Sige hŷ onsendað sôðfæstra gehwâm,

      Sal. 244.
  • Þê sâwle onsende þurh his sylfes hand Meotod,

      Seel. 28.
  • Onsende þê fultum Drihten

    mittat tibi auxilium Dominus

      Ps. Th. 19, 2.
  • Þæt him folca weard onsende wíse geþóhtas,

      Crä. 21.
  • Ðætte him wæs onsended mid tô diélgianne hira synna

    quod acceperant, ut possent delere peccata,

      Past. 429, 15.
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  • Þâ þe hine forð onsendon ofer ŷðe, B. 45. IIa. of a thing, to have issuing forth: :-- Þæt þû (a stone pillar) on þis folc onsende wæter, An. 1508. IIb. of a destructive agency,

    to send out of this life

    :-- Bealocwealm hafað fela feorhcynna forð onsended,
      B. 2266.
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v. an-sendan in Dict.
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  • on-sendan,