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Add:, swálíce.
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  • Be þon swilce (swelce, swylce, v.ll.) Paulus cwǽð unde Paulas quoque dicit. Bd. 1. 27; Sch. 85, 11. II a.

    so, in a manner to be described

    :-- Gif eów swálíce þúhte, utan gangan on þissum carcerne and hine út forlǽtan,
      Bl. H. 247, 1.
  • Swylce ic þus hyt gehradige,

      Angl. viii. 303, 27.
add: as it were
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  • Hé geseah swilce án ðeóstorful dene,

      Hml. Th. ii. 338, 4: Ors. 5, 14; S. 248, 9: Hml. S. 31, 937. III a.
  • Hafa hine swá swilce ðín ágen lim, Hex. 46, 3. III b. with antecedent and relative combined (such, so) as :-- Hé wæs swelce Rómáne þá wyrþe wǽron

    he was such as the Romans then deserved,

      Ors. 6, 3; S. 256, 24.
  • Dó þú þá lǽcedómas swilce þú þá líchoman gesié,

      Lch. ii. 84, 15.
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  • Swelce hé hine wandigende ofersuíðe

    quasi parcendo superare,

      Past. 297, 15: 296, 11.
  • Næs þæt cild gecweden hire frumcennede cild swilce heó óðer siððan ácende,

      Hml. Th. i. 34, 24.
Full form


  • swilce,