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  • Benedictus gestaþolode hine sylfne in þám uferan dǽlum þæs torres (on sumes stýpeles úpflóra,

    v.l. in turris superioribus), and Seruandus gestaþelode hine in þám neoðeran dælum þæs ylcan torres (stýpeles, v.l. ),

      Gr. D. 170, 16-21.
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  • Þeáh hine ǽlc ýð geséce mid þám héhstan þe seó sǽ forðbringð, and þeáh hine ǽlc tor geséce þe on eallum clyfum syndon,

      Verc. Först. 110, 13.
  • Næs þæt hús ǽfter manna gewunan getimbrod, ac mid mislicum torrum gehwemmed (cf. ðá stánas swá of óðrum clife út sceoredon, Bl. H. 207, 20) tó gelícnysse sumes scræfes, Hml. Th. i. 508, 17. II a.

    a tor

    :-- On eofede tor; of eofede torre on heán dúne,
      Cht. E. 266, 18.
Full form


  • torr,