Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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clipur, es; m.
A CLAPPER of a bell; tintinnabuli vel campanæ malleus
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  • Se bend ðe se clipur ys mid gewriðen, ys swylce hyt sý sum gemetegung ðæt ðære tungan clipur mǽge styrian, and ða lippan æt-hwega beátan. Sóþlíce mid ðæs rápes æt-hríne se bend styraþ ðone [MS. ðæne] clipur

    the band with which the clapper is tied, is as it were a method for moving the clapper of the tongue, and beating more or less the lips. So with the touch of the rope the band moves the clapper,

    • Wanl. Catal. 109, col. 2, 16-20
    • .
Dut. klepel, f:
M. H. Ger. klepfel, m. tubillus; klepfer, m. clapper
Full form


  • clipur, n.