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cyn, cynn; adj.

Akin, suitable, fit, proper congruus, condignus

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Akin, suitable, fit, proper; congruus, condignus Ðæt is cyn that is proper or reasonable, Bt. 33, 1; Fox 122, 4. Swá hit cynn [cyn Cot.] was as was suitable or fit, 35, 4; Fox 162, 24. Swylce hit kyn [cyn MS. B; cynn H.] sié as it may be right, L.


CYN, cynn,es; n.

every being of one kind, a kindred, kind, race, nation, people, tribe, family, lineage, generation, progeny, KIN genus, gens, natio, populus, stirps, tribus, familia, natales, origo, generatio, proles, progeniesGender genus a sex sexus

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Eall gimma cynn all kinds of gems, Andr. Kmbl. 3037; An. 1521. Fór cynn æfter cynne tribe went after tribe, Cd. 161; Th. 200, 3; Exod. 351. Ðis cynn ne byþ útadryfen hoc genus non ejicitur, Mt. Bos. 17, 21.


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Mid his ágnum cynne and mid his ágnum burhwarum, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 11. Cyn sobolem, An. Ox. 4517. Hwæt þá cynn (the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah dydon, Gen. 1944. Feorheáceno cynn, þá þe flód wecceð, 204.


cyn, adj.
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Suá is cynn ðæt sió giémen sié ðám beboden dignum est, ut cura ei imponatur, Past. 43, 24: 45, 2, 5: 185, 6. Suá hit is cynn ðætte . . . 195, 20. Hit is cynn ( justum est ) ðæt wé ðæs gemǽnelíce brúcen, 337, 3.



the chin mentum

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the chin; mentum

Linked entries: cynn cynn cinn


Similar entry: fýr-cyn


cyn-ren, cyn-ryn,es; n. [cyn a kindred, race, nation, family, generation; ren, ryn a course]

A family course, family, generation, kind, nation, posteritygeneratio, genus, natio, progenies, propago

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A family course, family, generation, kind, nation, posterity; generatio, genus, natio, progenies, propago He forlét his ríce and his cynren he left his country and his family, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 27. Cynren generatio, Wrt. Voc. 72, 49. Ðis ys Thares


cyn-recen, gen.cyn-recenne ; f.

A pedigree, genealogy, parentagegeneratio, genealogia, parentela,

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A pedigree, genealogy, parentage; generatio, genealogia, parentela, Som. Ben


gim-cyn, gym-cyn, -cynn, es; n.

A gem-kinda precious stonea gemgenus gemmarumgemma

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A gem-kind, a precious stone, a gem; genus gemmarum, gemma Se forma feohgítsere gróf æfter gimcynnum the first miser delved after precious stones, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 114; Met. 8, 57: 15, 8; Met. 15, 4. On ðære éðyltyrf niððas findaþ gold and gymcynn in


fugel-cyn, fugol-cyn, -cynn, -cinn, es; n.

FOWL-KINDvŏlucrium gĕnus

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FOWL-KIND; vŏlucrium gĕnus Eallum nýtenum and eallum fugelcynne cunctis anĭmantĭbus terræ omnique vŏlucri cæli, Gen. 1, 30: 7, 8. Nim of fugelcinne seofen and seofen ǽgðres gecyndes tolle de volātĭlĭbus septēna et septēna, mascŭlum et fēmĭnam, Gen. 7

Linked entry: fugol-cyn


fæderen-cyn, fædren-cyn, -cynn, es ; n. [cyn a race, kin]

A paternal kin or race păternum gĕnus

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A paternal kin or race; păternum gĕnus Hiera ryht fæderencyn [fædrencynn, Th. 87, 14, col. 1] gǽþ to Cerdice their direct paternal kin goes to Cerdic, Chr. 755 Th. 86, 14, col. 1. We areccan ne mágon ðæt fædrencynn we cannot tell the paternal kin, Exon


cyne-cyn, cyne-cynn,es; n. [cyne regius, regalis; cyn, cynn, gens, stirps, familia]

A royal race, royal lineage, royal offspring or familygens regia, proles regia, stirps vel familia regia

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A royal race, royal lineage, royal offspring or family; gens regia, proles regia, stirps vel familia regia Of Francena cynecynne de gente Francorum regia, Bd. 1, 25; S. 486, note 32: 2, 14; S. 518, 3. He wæs hiora cynecynnes he was of their royal race

Linked entry: cyning-cynn


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Hire fæder wæs Eádward æþeling, Eádmundes sunu kynges, Eádmund Æþelreding . . . and swá forð on ꝥ cynecynn, 1067; P. 202, 21. v. riht-cynecyn, and cf. cyning-cyn. Add


engel-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [engel angĕlus; cyn, cynn gĕnus]

The angel race or ordergenus vel ordo angĕlōrum

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The angel race or order; genus vel ordo angĕlōrum Wæs ðæt engelcyn [MS. encgelcyn] genemnad the angel race was named, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 12; Sat. 366. Ðú sitest ofer ðam engelcynne thou sittest above the angel race. Elen. Kmbl. 1463; El. 733. Hæfde se


CIN, cyn, e; f.

The CHIN mentum

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The CHIN; mentum Cin mentum, Wrt. Voc. 71, 1

Linked entry: cyn


ác-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [ác oak, cyn kind]

A species of oakilex

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A species of oak; ilex, Mann


ent-cyn, -cynn, es; n.

Giant-kind, giant-race gĭgantum gĕnus

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Giant-kind, giant-race; gĭgantum gĕnus We gesáwon of ðam entcynne Enachis bearna micelra wæstma vīdĭmus monstra quædam filiōrum Enac prōcēræ stătūræ, Num. 13, 34


eormen-cyn, -cynn, es; n.

The human race hūmānum gĕnus

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The human race; hūmānum gĕnus God gesceapo ferede ǽghwylcum on eorþan eormencynnes God has borne his decrees to every one of the human race on earth, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 3; Vy. 96 : Beo. Th. 3918; B. 1957


eorþ-cyn, -cynn, es ; n.

he earth-kind, terrestrial speciesgĕnus terricŏlārum

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he earth-kind, terrestrial speciesT; gĕnus terricŏlārum Eallum eorþcynne for each terrestrial species, Cd. 161; Th. 201, 10; Exod. 370


earfoþ-cyn, -cynn,es ; n.

A violent generation prāva gens

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A violent generation; prāva gens Ðæt wæs earfoþcynn yrre and réðe genus prāvum et peramārum, Ps. Th. 77, 10