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cyne-gold, es; n. Royal gold, a crown; diadema = διάδημα , corona
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Þeódnes cynegold sóþfæstra gehwone glengeþ the Lord's crown shall adorn each of the just, Exon. 64b; Th. 238, 17; Ph. 605


cyne-gyrd, cynegyrd-geard, cynegyrd-gerd,e; f. [gyrd a rod, wand]

A royal wand, sceptresceptrum

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A royal wand, sceptre;sceptrum Cynegyrd sceptrum, Wrt. Voc. 72, 55. Cynegeard sceptrum, Ælfc. Gl. 68; Som. 69, 127; Wrt. Voc. 42, 7. Cynegerd sceptrum, 6; Som. 56, 47; Wrt. Voc. 18, 2. Hí to ðæs caseres cynegyrde gebugon they submitted to the emperor's

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cyne-hám, es; m. [hám a house, dwelling, home]

A royal residenceregia villa

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A royal residence; regia villa On ðam cyneháme ðe is gecýged Bearwe at the royal residence which is called Barrow, Cod. Dipl. 90; A. D. 716-743; Kmbl. i. 109, 15. On his ágenum cynehámum in his own royal residences, 598; A. D. 978; Kmbl. iii. 138, 7


heoloþ-cynn, es; n.

A race living in a place of concealment[?]the devils in hell

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A race living in a place of concealment[?], the devils in hell, Exon. 30 b; Th. 94, 19; Cri. 1542


hwǽte-cynn, es; n.
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Wheat-kind Hé ðé gesadade mid ðý sélestan hwǽtecynnes holde lynde adipe frumenti satiat te, Ps. Th. 147, 3


médren-cynn, es; n.

Maternal kinkin by the mother's side

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Maternal kin, kin by the mother's side Ælfrédes reht meódrencynn Alfred's direct maternal kin, Chart. Th. 483, 5. Ðæt wé ðín médrencynn mótan cunnan, nú wé áreccan ne mágon ðæt fædrencynn, Exon. 11 b; Th. 15, 34; Cri. 246


sǽd-cynn, es; n.
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A kind of seed Ǽghwilc sǽdcyn omne genus seminarum, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 30. Sǽdere gebyreþ ðæt hé hæbbe ǽlces sǽdcynnes ǽnne leáp fulne, ðonne hé ǽlc sǽd wel gesáwen hæbbe ofer geáres fyrst, L. R. S. 11; Th. i. 438, 9


sealf-cynn, es; n.
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An ointment Sealfcyn (seals-, Wrt.) amaracium (cf. Span, unguento amaracino a sort of ointment made of marjoram ), Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 74


sprǽc-cynn, es; n.
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A mode of speaking Bóc be gesetnessum and gemetum sprǽccynna libellum de figuris modisque locutionum, Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 42


treów-cynn, es; n.
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A kind of tree or wood, a tree, a wood Abies ðæt treówcyn, Nar. 8, 21. Treócynn, Exon. Th. 472, 20; Bo. 2. Nim ǽlces treówcynnes dǽl ðe on ðæm lande sý gewexen, Lchdm. i. 398, 7. Hé ásmeáde be ǽlcum treówcynne fram ðam heágan cederbeáme óð ðæt hé com


æppel-cynn, es; n.
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A kind of apple Selle him etan . . . manigfeald æppelcynn, peran, æpeningas ( medlars ), Lch. ii. 180, 14

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Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 54. Add


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Þá hálgan þe Angelcynn wurþað, Hml. S. p. 4, 42. On Angolcynnes bócum, ðæt is on Istoria Anglorum, Shrn. 137, 6; 59, 12. Mid wópe Angelcynnes monna, 134, 24. Æðelbryht ǽrest fulluht onféng on Angelcynne, Ll. Th. i. 58, 26. Geond Angelcynn (-kynn, v.


bóc-cynn, es; n.
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A kind of book Saga mé hwæt bóccynna and hú fela sindon, Sal. K. p. 192, 8


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Sum cyneboren mǽden, Hml. S. 2, 326. Ꝥ kyneborene mǽden, 351. Hé út áflýmde twégen cyneborene mæn (cyningas, v. l. ), Chr. 944; P. 111, 6. Add


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Ðá áléde ic (Alexander) mínne kynegyrylan posito meo cultu, Angl. iv. 155, 410. Cf. cyning-gierela. Add


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Add: a crown Cynehelme palma, i. corona, An. Ox. 3093. Ꝥ Vashti cóme tó him mid hire cynehelme, swá swá heora seodu wæs ꝥ seó cwén werode cynehelm on heáfode, Hml. A. 93, 37. Þriwa hé bær his cynehelm ǽlce geáre, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 32. Ðone écean cynehelm


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Ꝥ him nán leófre hláford nǽre þonne heora cynehláuord, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 3 note. Se cyning . . .. God hine áwende of Godes dreáme sé ðe ðis áwende, bútan hit mín áne cynehláford sý, C. D. vi. 149, 31. Ærest his cynehláforde ǽnne beáh . . . and ðǽre hlǽdigan


cyne-hof, es; n.
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A royal residence, palace Cynehof regiam, palatium, Germ. 391, 5

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