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Se king áwearp his cynewurðe reáf him of, Verc. Först. 141. Add



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said, confirmed, R. Ben. 27


ælf-cynn, es; n.

The elf-kindthe race of elveselfin raceephialtum genus

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The elf-kind, the race of elves, elfin race; ephialtum genus, Som. Lye Wyrc sealfe wið ælfcynne work a salve against the elfin race, L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm, ii. 344, 7


Angel-cynn, es; n.

The Angle or English raceAnglorum gens

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The Angle or English race; Anglorum gens, Bd. pref; S. 471, 23: 4, 16; S. 584, 13

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cin-bán, es; n.

The CHIN-BONEmandibula, mentum

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The CHIN-BONE; mandibula, mentum Cin-bán man-dibula, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 81; Wrt. Voc. 43, 14. Cin-bán mentum, Text. Rof. 40, 1. Se ðe cin-bán forslæhþ, mid xx scillingum forgelde let him who breaks the chin-bone pay for it with twenty shillings,


cyne-líce, adv.


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Royally; regie Ðú miltse on us gecýþ cynelíce shew mercy royally on us, Exon. 10a; Th. 10, 24; Cri. 157


cyne-róf, adj. [róf famous]

Royally famous, noble nobilis

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Royally famous, noble; nobilis Wolde ic ánes to ðé,cyneróf hæleþ cræftes neósan I would inquire of thee of one art, noble hero, Andr. Kmbl. 967; An. 484: 1169; An. 585. Cirdon cynerófe the noble ones turned, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 6; Jud. 312: 11; Thw.


cyne-scipe, es; m.

Kingship, royalty, honour regia dignitas

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Kingship, royalty, honour; regia dignitas Hæbbe ic mínes cynescipes gerihta I may have my rights of royally, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 27. Me to fullum cynescipe to my perfect royalty, 2; Th. i. 272, 25. Him sylfum to cynescipe in honour of himself,


cyne-setl, es; n. [selt a seat]

A royal seat, throne imperii sedes, solium

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A royal seat, throne; imperii sedes, solium Constantinopolis is nú ðæt heáhste cynesetl ealles eástríces Constantinople is now the chief royal seat of all the eastern empire, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 11. Ðe sit on his cynesetle qui sedet in solio ejus, Ex


cýp-man,; m.

A chapman, merchant mercator

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A chapman, merchant; mercator Ða cýpmen binnon ðam temple getácnodon unrihtwíse láreówas on Godes gelaðunge the chapmen within the temple betokened unrighteous teachers in God's church, Homl. Th. i. 410, 35: ii. 120, 15. Drihten adrǽfde of ðam temple


cyne-bænd, es; m. [bend, bænd a band, chaplet, crown] A royal crown, a diadem; regia corona, diadema = διάδημα , Som. Ben. Lye.

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(v.; part.)
cyne-boren, part.

Of royal birthregia stirpe natus, M. H. 12a

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Of royal birth; regia stirpe natus, M. H. 12a


cyne-bót, e; f. [bót boot, compensation]

A king's compensation or recompenseregis compensatio

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A king's compensation or recompense; regis compensatio Gebíraþ seó cynebót ðám leódum the king's compensation belongs to the people, L. Wg. 1; Th. i. 186, 4: L. M. L; Th. i. 190, 8


cyne-dóm, es; m. [dóm power, dominion]

royal dominion or power, kingdom, realmimperium, regnum, sceptrum, potestas

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royal dominion or power, kingdom, realm;imperium, regnum, sceptrum, potestas Cynedóm sceptrum, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Som. 69, 127; Wrt. Voc. 42, 7. We willaþ ðæt án cynedóm fæste stande ǽfre on þeóde we will that one kingship standfast for ever in the nation

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a sceptre

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a sceptre, Ælfc. Gl. 6; Som. 56, 47; Wrt. Voc. 18, 2


cyne-gerela, an; m. [gerela a robe]

A kingly robe regius vestitus

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A kingly robe; regius vestitus Gif mon wolde him awindan of ðǽs cynegerelan [MS. -gerelum] if any one would strip off from him these kingly robes, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 45; Met. 25, 23


cyne-gewǽdu, pl. n. [gewǽde a garment, robe]

Royal robesregiæ vestes

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Royal robes; regiæ vestes He onféng cynegewǽdum he took the royal robes, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 19


cyne-hád, es; m. [hád form, condition]

A royal personage or condition, dignity, kinghoodregia persona vel dignitas

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A royal personage or condition, dignity, kinghood; regia persona vel dignitas Ðæt se cynehád [MS. cynehade] ðæs hálgan weres éce gemynd hæfde ut regia viri sancti persona memoriam haberet æternam, Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 30, note. Ic Ælfréd, gifendum Criste


cyne-helm, cynehealm,es ; m. [helm a crown]

A crown, diademcorona, diadema

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A crown, diadem; corona, diadema Cynehelm corona, diadema, Ælfc. Gl. 51; Som. 66, 14; Wrt. Voc. 35, 5: Morie B. 2166. Cynehealm diadema, Wrt. Voc. 74, 56. Wundon cynehelm of þornum, and asetton ofer hys heáfod plectentes coronam de spinis posuerunt super

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cyne-hláford, es; m. [hláford a lord]

A royal lord, sovereign lord, king regius vel supremus dominus, rex

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A royal lord, sovereign lord, king; regius vel supremus dominus, rex Be his cynehláfordes geþafunge with the permission of his royal lord, Cod. Dipl. 593; A. D. 965-975; Kmbl. iii. 127, 8. Æt his leófan cynehláforde Eádgáre cyninge from his dear sovereign