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nǽder-cynn, es: n.
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A kind of snake Cwóman hornede nǽdran, carastis ꝥ nǽdercyn, Nar. 13, 16. Saga mé hwæt nǽddercynna sí on eorðan. Ic ðé secge, feówer and þrittig. Sal. K. 204, 7. Wið scorpiones stingc and wið ealra nǽddercynna slitas, Lch. i. 304, 18


win-cynn, es; n.
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A kind of wine Ne drinc ic heononforð of ðysum wíncynne ( de hoc genimine uitis, Mt. 26, 29) ǽr on ðám dæge þe ic eft drince mid eów níwe wín on mínes fæder ríce. Nap. 69


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cac, es; m?
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Dung, excrement; stercus, foria, merda, Som. Ben. Lye


CÁF, comp, ra, re; sup. est, ost; adj.
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Quick, sharp, prompt, nimble, swift; acer, celer, præceps Ðá geseah Iohannes sumne cniht swíðe glæd on móde and on anginne cáf there John saw a certain youth very cheerful in mind and quick in design, Ælfc. T. 33, 17: R. Ben. 7: Fulg. 9. Cáf præceps,


cann, e; f.
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A knowledge, cognizance, averment or positive assertion, clearance; notitia, cognitio, assertio Mynstres aldor hine cænne in preóstes canne let the chief of a monastery clear himself with a priest's cognizance, L. Wih. 17; Th. i. 40, 13. Mid rihtre canne


CAT, catt, es; m.
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A CAT; cătus, murĭceps Cat cattus vel murilĕgus aut murĭceps, Wrt. Voc. 78, 20. Catt murĭceps vel musio, murilĕgus, Ælfc. Gl. 21; Som. 59, 71; Wrt. Voc. 23, 30. [Piers P. Chauc. cat: Plat. katte, f: O. Frs. katte, f: Dut. kat, f: Kil. katte: Ger. M.

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cel, celas

a basket

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a basket, Mt. Lind. Stv. 15, 37


Cent, indecl. n.

KENT Cantium

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The county of KENT ; Cantium = Κάντιον Wæs he sended to Cent he was sent into Kent, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 24: Chr. 823; Erl. 62, 19. Se cyning wæs on Cent the king was in Kent, Chr. 911; Erl. 101, 37: 1009; Erl. 143, 14. Se múþa Limene is on easteweardre


CEÓ, ció; indecl. f.

A CHOUGH, a bird of the genus corvus, ajay, crow, jackdawcornix, gracculus, monedula

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A CHOUGH, a bird of the genus corvus, ajay, crow, jackdaw; cornix, gracculus, monedula Ðeós ceó hÆc cornix, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 64; Som. 13, 58. Ceó gracculus vel monedula, Ælfc. Gl. 37; Som. 63, 13; Wrt. Voc. 29, 36

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Coln, e; f?

The river COLNE, Essex Colnius, in agro Essexiensi

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The river COLNE, Essex; Colnius, in agro Essexiensi Hie flugon ofer Temese, ðá up be Colne on ánne íggaþ they fled over the Thames, then up by the Colne to an island Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 28



a pebble stone calculus

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a pebble stone; calculus Som. Ben. Lye


(v.; part.)
com, pl. cómon


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came p. of cuman.Beo. Th. 865; B. 430; Cd. 160; Th. 199, 20; Exod. 341


clyne, es,m?, n? clyna; clyne; clyno

A mass, lump, ball, metalmassa, sphæra, metallumσφαῖρα

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indecl. f. A mass, lump, ball, metal; massa, sphæra, metallum; σφαῖρα Clynes, trendles sphæræ Mone B. 3491. Ǽlces cynnes wecg, vel óra oððe clyna metallum Ælíc. Gl. 51; Som. 66, 8; Wrt. Voc. 34, 67. Clyne;clyno massa, metallum Cot. 132: 182. Sile hym



a king

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a king, Deut. 11, 3: Chr. 894; Erl. 92, 17


cinn, es; n.

A kindgenus

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A kind; genus Fleógende cinn flying kind; volatile, Gen. 1, 20. Creópende cinn creeping kind; reptilia, 1, 24. Æfter his cinne after its kind, 1, 11

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cínu, e; f.

A chink, fissurerima, fissura

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A chink, fissure; rima, fissura Cínu rima vel fissura, Wrt. Voc. 85, 18. Gemétte he ðæt fæt swá gehál ðæt ðǽr nán cínu on næs gesewen he found the vessel so whole that there was no chink seen in it, Homl. Th. ii. 154, 22



a turn, time

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a turn, time Æt ðam fiftan cire at the fifth turn or time, Lchdm. i. 214, 6, MS. B. note 8

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cís, adj.

Choicefastidiosus in edendo

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Choice, nice in eating; fastidiosus in edendo Gyf hwá sý cís if any one be choice, Herb. 8, 2; Lchdm. i. 98, 15


CLÁ, cleó, clawu; clawe; cleó, clawa, clawu, clawe; clawena; clám, clawum; f.

A nail, CLAW, hoofunguis, ungula

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A nail, CLAW, hoof; unguis, ungula Fénix fýres láfe clám biclyppeþ the Phænix seizes the relics of the fire with its claws, Exon. 59b; Th. 217, 8; Ph. 277. Nægl oððe clawu unguis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 46. Wurdon forþaborene ísene clawa iron claws

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