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þorfnian, (?) to suffer lack of
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(gen. ) Ne ondrǽd ðú ðé deáð tó swíðe . . . Ne forgit ðú hine ðeáh ealne weg, ðý lǽs ðú þolie (þornige, v.l. v. Verc. Först. 174) ðæs écan lífes, Prov. K. 17

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(v.; part.)
dareþ-lácende, deareþ-lácende; part. [daroþ, dareþ a dart, spear; lácende, part. of lácan to play]

Playing with a dart, dart-brandishing telo ludens

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Playing with a dart, dart-brandishing; telo ludens Beornþreát monig ófestum gefýsde, dareþlácende many a band of nobles hurried with haste, dart-brandishing, Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 29; Pa. 53. Dareþlácendra of the dart-players, Elen. Kmbl. 1298; El. 651


eáþ-lǽce, -lǽcne (-lác-); adj.
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Easy to cure Biþ hé þý eáðlǽcra ( printed -na) . . . hit bið þe uneáþlǽcra, Lch. ii. 258, 26. Biþ hit þý eáþlácre, 260, 2. Bið ꝥ eáðlǽcnere, 284, 23, 29. v. un-eáþlǽce, -lǽcne


scín-lǽce, scín-lác; adj.
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Þá bróðru þe hé gemétte þǽr mid þám scínlácan (gedwimorlácum, v. l.) fýre bysmrian fratres quos phantastico reperit igne deludi, Gr. D. 124, 10. Ꝥ preóstas hí warnien wyð þá scínlácan híwinga deófla prettes (transformationes dęmonum). Chrd. 7, 25. Add


wóþ-gifu, e; f.

The gift of song

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The gift of song Hyre (a musical instrument) is on fóte fæger hleóþor, wynlícu wóflgiefu . . . seó wiht mæg wordum lácan þurh fót neoþan, Exon. Th. 414, 10; Rä. 32, 8


scín-lǽc, scín-lǽce, -lác; adj.
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Magical, phantasmal Hí him héton gefeccean tó Escolapius ðone scínlácan mid ðære scínlǽcan (-lácan, MS. L.) nædran, Ors. 3, 10, tit.; Swt. 3, 19.


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Ofer rodorum gereclíce feðerum lácan ( to fly smoothly), 24, 8. of action He eallum gereclice racað and eáðelice hit eall set regit cuncta foriiter suaviterque disponat, Bt. 35, 4; F. 162, I


rúnung, e;
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f Whispering, soft speech Seó sóðfæste fǽmne hyre láca ne róhte ne hyre rúnunga, Homl. Skt. i. 2, 149


treów-loga, an; m.
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One who fails to keep faith, one who fails in loyalty to his leader Ða hildlatan holt ofgeáfon týdre treówlogan ða ne dorston ǽr dareðum lácan on hyra mandryhtnes miclan þearfe those laggards in fight relinquished the wood, pitiful false ones to plighted


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On streám oþ þá laca tólicgaþ, Cht. Crw. 3, 12. Swá wíde swá wegas tólágon, An. 1236. Add Seó geogoð ná getanglíce né licge, ac sió yld þá geogoðe tólicge adolescentiores fratres juxta se non habeant lecta, sed permixti cum senioribus, R.


daroþ, daraþ, dareþ,es ; m. [derian to hurt]

DART, spear, javelin, weapon telum, jaculum, hasta

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Ða ne dorston dareþum lácan who durst not play with javelins, Beo. Th. 5689; B. 2848

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hinder-weard, adj.
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Backward, slow Nis hé hinderweard swár ne swongor swá sume fuglas ða ðe late þurh lyft lácaþ fiþrum non tamen est tarda, ut volucres quæ corpore magno incessus pigros per grave pondus habent, Exon. 60 a; Th. 220, 2; Ph. 314


hyge-gǽlsa, adj.


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Slow, sluggish Nis hé hinderweard ne hygegǽlsa swár ne swongor swá sume fuglas ða ðe late þurh lyft lácaþ fiþrum non tamen est tarda, ut volucres quæ corpore magno incessus pigros per grave pondus habent, Exon. 60 b; Th. 220, 3; Ph. 314


þrægan, (cf.
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Goth. þragjan, and for conjugation cf. plegan); p. de To run, proceed in a course Sume tungul læsse gelíðaþ, ða ðe lácaþ ymb eaxe ende, oððe micle máre geféraþ, ða hire midore ymbe þearle þrægeþ (-aþ?)


wǽl, es; m. n.
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Fugel uppe sceal lácan on lyfte, leax sceal on wǽle mid sceóte scríðan, Menol. Fox 538; Gn. C. 39. Of wǽle getogen gurgite ductus, Hymn. Surt. 70, 27: 25, 6. Áðuah in ðær uéle ( natatoria ), Jn. Skt. Lind. 9, 7.


ge-líðan, p. -láþ, pl. -lidon; pp. -liðen, -liden

To gomovesailadvanceproceedcomeīremeāreadvĕhiprofĭciscivĕnīre

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To go, move, sail, advance, proceed, come; īre, meāre, advĕhi, profĭcisci, vĕnīre Mænig tungul máran ymbhwyrft hafaþ on heofonum, sume hwíle eft læsse gelíðaþ, ða ðe lácaþ ymb eaxe ende many a star has a greater circuit in the heavens; sometimes again

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swangor, adj.
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Heavy in movement of the body or mind, slow, slothful, sluggish, indolent, physically Nis hé (the Phenix) swár ne swongor swá sume fuglas ða ðe late þurh lyft lácaþ fiþrum ac hé is snel and swift non est tarda, ut volucres quae corpore magno incessus

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wrǽt-líc, adj.

wondrouscurious of wondrous excellencebeautifulnobleexcellentelegant

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Wrǽtlíc mé þinceþ, hú seó wiht mæge wordum lácan þurh fót neoþan, 414, 11; Rä. 32, 18. Ðæt is wrǽtlíc þing tó gesecganne, 421, 27; Rä. 40, 24. Wrǽtlícne wyrm, Beo. Th. 1786; B. 891. Wrǽtlíce gecynd wildra, Exon. Th. 356, 9; Pa. 9.


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Nis hé swár swá sume fuglas, þá þe late þurh lyft lácað, Ph. 316.


uppe, adv.
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Fugel uppe sceal lácan on lyfte, Menol. Fox 536; Gn. C. 38. Mynster tó timbrianne on heánum mórum uppe (in montibus arduis ac remotis), Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 20. <b>I a.

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