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Add: without a shepherd Swá swá hyrdeleáse sceáp sicut oves quibus non est pastor, Hml. A. 110, 260. without a pastor, without an ecclesiastical ruler Seó cyrice æt Hrofesceastre wæs hyrdeleás Hrofensis ecclesia pastorem minime habebat. Bd. 2, 20; Sch


heort-leás, adj.


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Without courage or spirit, cowed Ic bidde, man, ꝥ þú gemune hú micel bið se bróga beforan dómsetle Drihtnes þænne, stent hé (ealra hergea mǽst. Wlfst. 137, 22) heortleás and earh, ámasod and ámarod, mihtleás, áfǽred sis memor illius qui tum pavor ante


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of a building, without a roof Rófleáse and monleáse ealde weallas parietinae, Wrt. Voc. i. 59, 8. of land, having no houses upon it(?) Ealdréð hæfð geunnen Ædestán sumne dǽl landes, ðæt synd twá hída mid ðám ðe hé ǽr hæfde and mid ðám hrófleásan lande


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a kind of onion Holleác duricorium, Wrt. Voc. i. 286, II : ii. 26, 21 : Lch. iii. 20, 16: 46, 23. [v. N. E. D. holleke.]


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white leek; alba cipa. Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 47


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Substitute: A cluster of berries carved for the ornamenting of a ship Leáhtrog corimbus, cacumen navis Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 76. Leáctrogas corimbos 14, 78. Leáctrogas, -trocas, Txts. 53, 540. Cf. corimbus nauibus vel cacumen, Corp. Gl. H. 35, 661. Corimbus


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Leáfulre fideli An. Ox. 1329. Add


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Be ðám árleásum . . . and be ðám leásfyrhtum, Nap. 42. Add


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to flatter Wæs hit ꝥ seó tunge þára leásólecendra ( adulantium ) cweleþ þæs sáwle þe hí gehiéran lysteþ Gr. D. 34, 27


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Þus hí dweledon mid heora leássagelan sprǽce, Hml. S. 23, 378. Add


Similar entry: lǽw-finger


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Dele, and see heáfod-ǽ(?)


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Add: not having all one's limbs Gif hwá áléfed wǽre, odðe limleás . . . Hwæt sceole wé smeágan embe ðá þe gewítað tó ðám écum forwyrde, hwæðer hí áléfede beón ciðe limleáse?, Hml. Th. i. 236, 28-33


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Ne mihte Iúdas meteleás þǽr ábídan, Hml. S. 25, 447. Hié ( the Danes) sǽton on þám íglande . . . oþ þone first þe hiú wurdon swíþe meteleáse, Chr. 918; P. 98, 32. Þá león leofodon be hungre seofon niht meteleáse, Hml. S. 16, 82. Add


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Add: senseless; cf. mód; <b>I. a</b> : Þú druncena . . . þé módleás (sine mente) rest. Chrd. 74, 13


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Bútan geþylde and þeáwfæstnysse wé yrsiað . . . and lythwón þencað hú wé sceolon æt Gode miltsunge begitan nú wé swá réceleáse syndon and swá réþe ús betwýnan, Hml. S. 28, 141. Add


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Add Æilsig, ðe ðá men bohte, nam hig and freóde uppan Petrocys weófede ǽfre saclés, C. D. iv. 313, 11. Hé dide hine sylfne and his ofspreng ǽfre freóls and sacclés, 314, 8. Her kýð on þissere béc ꝥ Gesfræg gebohte Gidið . . . tó .x. sciłł freoh and saclés


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Add Hé eóde him tó þæs forðfarenan mannes húse tó þǽre stówe þǽr se sáwulleása líchama ( corpus exanime) læg, Gr. D. 84, 33


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Add: of a person or statement, veracious Unleásere non fictę, i. mendacis (ueritatis), An. Ox. 3955. Þæt ic ongæt be Theophania . . . swá swá mé cýðdon hit manige unleáse men quod de Theophanio multis attestantibus agnovi, Gr. D. 301, 17. Se unleásesta