to turn ⬩ avoid ⬩ pervert ⬩ subvert
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Take here for-cyrran in Dict., and add: to turn (intrans.) aside from, get out of the way of, avoid Ǽghwylce yfele fótswaðu him ongeán cumende hé forbúgeþ, for ðon se yfela man hyne forcyrreþ, Lch. i. 318, 23.
Linked entries: for-búgan for-cyrran
To devour ⬩ consume
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To devour, consume In þám dæge lígettas forglendriaþ (-gleddriað, v. l.) middaneard and mancyn, Wlfst. 182, 11. Byrnende lígræscas forglendriað eówre wæstmas, 297, 9. Swá hwaet manncynnes swá fýr forbærnde and forglendrede, 183, 33. Forglendrian (? ?
A despising ⬩ contempt ⬩ dishonour ⬩ contemptus ⬩ dedĕcus
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A despising, contempt, dishonour; contemptus, dedĕcus On mínre unwurþnesse and foreseuwenesse on account of my unworthiness and dishonour. Bt. 5, 1; Fox 10, 23
A deed done before ⬩ antefactum
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A deed done before; antefactum, Som. Ben. Lye
to despise ⬩ to disdain ⬩ scorn
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Take here for-hicgan (where dele -higan), and add: to despise, scorn a person or thing Hé hine ne forhyged (contemnit), Past. 407, 5. Nalle gié woenæ ꝥte ic forhycgende (-hyccende, R. accusaturus) sié, is sé ðe forhycað (accusat) iúih, Jn.
One who speaks for another ⬩ an advocate ⬩ prolŏcūtor ⬩ advŏcātus
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One who speaks for another, an advocate; prolŏcūtor, advŏcātus Ðæt he beó mín freónd and forespreca, and ðære [MS. ðara] hálgan stówe freónd and forespræca that he be my friend and advocate, and the friend and advocate of the holy place. Th. Diplm.
Linked entries: for-spræca for-speca
To consume
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To consume Þonne heó byð mid langre nearonesse þǽre gnornunge forht and geswænced and fornǽmed cum longa moeroris anxietudine fuerit formido consumta, Gr. D. 245, 3
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Ǽnlic héhfore aurea quadrupes, i. uacca, An. Ox. 1462. Heáhfru antile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 57. Hiord arimentum, oxa bova, heáhfru antile, cú vacca, i. 287, 53-56. Farra míno and héhfaro (altilia) gislægno, Rtl. 107, 21. Ðerh blód héffera and calfra and add
burn ⬩ scald
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Add: to consume by heat Forbærnde extorruil, An. Ox. 1434. Hié woldon þone cásere cwicenne forbærnan, Bl. H. 191, 12. Forbernende crematuros, Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 41. Eorþe biþ forbærned tó axan, 91, 26. Ðæt land wearð fram heofenlicum fyre forbærned regionem
To cut off
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To cut off Forcyppud precisa, Nap. 79
Linked entry: cippian
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A turning aside On forcirringe in convertendo, Bl. Gl. Forcerringe, Ps. Srt. 9, 4: 125, 1
Linked entry: -cirring
To demand
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To demand Neódbehéfnes stówe giforcrafað ( = gif forcrafað) si necessitas loci exegerit, R. Ben. I. 82, 3
Linked entry: crafian
An accuser
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An accuser Wíf ne from fordoemendum gedoemedo mulierem nec ab accusatoribus condemnatam, Jn. p. 5, 9
Linked entry: démend
Confiscation ⬩ sequestration
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Confiscation, sequestration Fordéming ǽhta proscriptionem rerum, An. Ox. 3149
To cover up
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To cover up Forheledum tectis, Hpt. Gl. 528, 16
ravages ⬩ devastates
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One who lays waste, ravages, devastates Ferhergend, forhergen[d] grassator, Txts. 66, 467
Linked entry: hergiend
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Fornication Ðæt yfel forlegnesse fornicationis vitium, Past. 401, 25: Bd. 2, 5; Sch. 133, 9
A harlot
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A harlot Forlegnisse meretrices, Mt. R. 21, 31. Forlægenisse, 32. Eówer nebb sint suá scamleás suá ðára wífa forelegnissa frons mulieris meretricis facta est tibi, Past. 207, 9
Linked entry: for-legis
A fornicator
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A fornicator Ǽlc forlicgend (fornicator) oððe unclǽne, Scint. 98, 10. Gewemmend and forlicgend mechus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 58
Linked entry: -licgend
to perish ⬩ perish
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and add: of physical death. natural Se cing (Ethelred) forférde (geendode his dagas, v. l.) on S. Georgies mæssedæg æfter miclum geswince Chr. 1016; P. 148, 21. of violent or untimely death, to perish Forférde Hácun eorl on sǽ (comes Hacun in mari periit