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In fruma ł in forma in principio, Jn. p. 3, 2. Sylle mé þín forme bearn primogenitum filiorum tuorum dabis mihi, Ex. 22, 29. Add


(prep.; adv.)
fore, adv.

in frontat the headbefore

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Such forms for the most part are not cited. The Latin ob is also rendered by fore e.g. foregeðístrat obcecatum, Mk. L. 6, 5 2: foragémnis observatio, Lk. L. 17, 20: foresuíge obmutesce, 4, 35


FÓR, fóre; prep. dot. acc.

Beforeforeantecŏramin conspectupræsente vel audiente ălĭquopræpriusquam

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Before, fore; ante, cŏram, in conspectu, præsente vel audiente ălĭquo, præ, priusquam. Grammar FÓR, dat Fór Gode and fór [fóre Cott.] mannum cōram Deo et hŏmĭnĭbus. Bd. 5, 20; S. 641, 37.

Linked entries: foor fóre


fóran, prep.


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Before: ante Fóran Andreas mæssan before Andrew's mass-day, Chr. 1010; Erl. 144, 13. ¶ Fóran ongeán opposite; contra Fóran ongeán eów contra vos, Mt. Bos. 21, 2. Fóran ongén Galileam contra Galilæam, Lk. Bos. 8, 26.

Linked entries: fórn fórne fórn


fór, foor, es; m.

A pighogporcaster

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A pig, hog; porcaster Fór porcaster, Wrt. Voc. 286, 48


fóran, adv.

In frontbeforeanteantequamprius

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In front, before; ante, antequam, prius Wonnum hyrstum fóran gefrætwed adorned in front with dark trappings, Exon. 113b; Th. 436, 2; Rä; 54, 8: Chr. 894; Erl. 93, 11. Is se fugel fæger fóran the bird is fair before, Exon. 60a; Th. 418, 10; Ph. 292



a hog

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Foor, fór porcaster, Txts. 88, 810. Foor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 30. Fór, An. Ox. 20, 4: porca (but the passage glossed is the same as in the preceding), 22, 3. Add


foca, an; m.

A cake baked on the hearthpānis sub cĭnĕre pistus

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A cake baked on the hearth; pānis sub cĭnĕre pistus Wire focan fac subcĭnĕrĭcios pānes, Gen. 18, 6


fóre, adv.


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Before, aforetime, formerly; antea, ōlim, quondam He on Ægypta lande worhte fóre wundur mǽre he aforetime did great wonders in the land of Egypt, Ps. Th. 77, 14

Linked entry: fore-swígan



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Th. i. 184, 10. food for a thing, material that increases or strengthens Fóda fýres holt, and fóda wambe mete micel incrementum ignis silua, et incremmlum uentris esca multa, Scint. 56, 17.


forane, forne; adv.

beforehandOppositein front ofagainst

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Forne forgán, gelettan praepedire, i. praeoccupare, 3949.

Linked entry: forene


fórn, fórne. l. forn, forne.

Similar entry: fóran


FOR, prep. dot. acc. and inst.

FORon account ofbecause ofwithbypropropterperaccording toprosĕcundumjuxtaForinstead ofprolŏcovĭceForon account ofbecause ofthroughpropropterper

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For ðam, for ðan, for ðon, for ðam ðe, for ðan ðe, for ðon ðe for that, for that which, for this reason that, because, for that cause, therefore. Grammar FOR, with the accusative; cum accūsātīvo.


beforein front ofbeforesinceagoforfromthroughon account offorfromthroughinstead of in place ofin exchange forin return forin expiation ofin redemption foron behalf ofin support ofin respect toin relation toas regardsagainstfromin spite ofnotwithstandingin accordance withaccording toas representative offorto takein compensation foras punishment forfor the sake ofon behalf of for the benefit ofAs representative of

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Ic þám gódan sceal for his módþræce máðmas beódan, 385. compensation for loss. Cf. B. 3 Tóð for téð, Ll. Th. i. 48, 21. in exchange for, in return for Hí mé feóunge settan for mínre lufan, Ps. Th. 108, 4. as punishment for. Cf.


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Yip is ormǽte nýten . . . feówer and twéntig mónða gǽð seó módor mid folan, Hml. S. 25, 569. Geméte gyt eoselan and hire folan, Bl. H. 69, 36. Lǽdað hý mid him olfenda myran mid hyra folan and stédan; þá folan hý gesǽlað ǽr hý ofer þá eá faran tolleni


forca, force, an; f. (v. meox-force)
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Ðá cwelleras tugon þá gléda under ðæt bedd, and wiðufan mid heora forcum (cf. geaflum, l. 5) hine ðýdon. Hml. Th. i. 430, 11. Add:

Bedan ford

Bedan ford, Beda-ford, Bedcan ford, Bede-ford, Bedican ford, Biedcan ford, es ; m : dat. -forde, -forda [Hunt. A. D. 1148 Bedeford : West. 1377 Bedford : Kni. 1395 Bedforde, Bedeforde : bedan = bedum lectis, ford vadum: lectos et diversoria ad vadum sonans, Camd.]

BEDFORDoppidi nomen

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BEDFORD; oppidi nomen Ða yldestan men to Bedan forda hyrdon the first men belonged to Bedford, Chr. 918; Ing. 133. 2. Eádweard cyning fór to Bedan forda king Edward went to Bedford, 919; Ing. 133. 13.


for-, Other forms of the prefix are fær, fer: e. g.
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faer-tyhted, Txts. 51, 483: fær-réd (fer-), 89, 1635: fer-uuaenid, for-uuened, 70, 548: fær-hæfdnes (for-). Past. 41, 14: fær-wyrd (for-), 133, 20: fer-ðrycednis, Ps. Srt. 31, 7


forod, forad, fored, forud; adj. part. [v. nacod naked]


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Broken, fractured, violated; fractus, violātus Wæs him gylp forod their vaunt was broken, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 10; Gen. 69. Ðá wearþ hire mid ánum wyrpe án ribb forod then with one throw one of its ribs was broken, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84, 41.


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He geseah þǽr licgan ǽnne snáwhwítne focan (glossed kake) he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals (sub-cinericius panis, l Kings 19, 6), Hml. S. 18, 164. Hé ásende him ǽnne focan (cf. hláf, Gr. D. 118, 5), Hml. Th. ii. 162, 20. Add