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CRYB, gen. crybbe; f.

A CRIB, bed, stall stratum, præsepe

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A CRIB, bed, stall; stratum, præsepe Ic læg cildgeong on crybbe I lay as a young child in a crib Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 16; Cri. 1426


cud, cudu, es; n?

A CUD, what is chewed rumen

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A CUD, what is chewed; rumen Ðe heora cudu ne ceówaþ: ða clǽnan nýtenu ðe heora cudu ceówaþ which chew not the cud: the clean beasts which chew their cud M. H. 138b



a queen

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a queen Chr. 672; Erl. 34, 35: 737; Erl. 46, 22: 836; Erl. 64, 33: 855; Erl. 68, 30: 885; Erl. 84, 5: 888; Erl. 86, 18




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come Nú ðú cum now come thou, Exon. 10a ; Th. 10, 9 ; Cri. 149; imp. of cuman


-cund, an adjective termination, denoting

KIND , sort, or origin, likeness

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KIND sort, or origin, likeness ; as, æðel-cund, deóful-, engel-, eorþ-, feor-, feorran-, gǽst-, god-, heofon-, híw-, in, sáwel-, ufan-, up-, woruld-


CORN, es; n.

CORN, a grain, seed, berry frumentum, granum, baccaa hard or cornlike pimple, a corn, kernel on the feet pustula, clavus

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CORN, a grain, seed, berry; frumentum, granum, bacca Corn frumentum Ælfc. Gl. 59; Som. 67, 122; Wrt. Voc. 38, 44. Wæs corn swá dýre, swá nán man ǽr ne gemunde corn was so dear, as no man before remembered it Chr. 1044; Erl. 168, 21; Homl. Th. ii. 68,


COS, coss, es; m.

A Kiss osculum

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A Kiss; osculum Cos osculum Wrt. Voc. 72, 44. Ic hine to mínum cosse arǽrde I raised him to my kiss Homl. Th. ii. 32, 11. Coss ðú me ne sealdest osculum mihi nan dedisti Lk. Bos. 7, 45. Mannes sunu ðú mid cosse sylst osculo filium hominis tradis 22,


COT, cott, es; pl. nom. acc. cotu; gen. cota; dat. cotum, cottum; n.

A COT, cottage, house, bed-chamber, den casa, domus, cubiculum, cubile, spelunca

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A COT, cottage, house, bed-chamber, den; casa, domus, cubiculum, cubile, spelunca Onbútan ða cotu about the cots Cod. Dipl. 551; A. D. 969; Kmbl. iii. 35, 6. Ongeán ða cotu towards the cots 559; A. D. 969; Kmbl. iii. 52, 16. We witan ðæt hý ne durran

Linked entries: eald-cot cott


cýgan, cýgean

to call, call upon, invoke

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to call, call upon, invoke, Bd. 4, 23; S. 594, 39: Cd. 141; Th. 176, 9; Gen. 2909: Ps. Spl. 78, 6

Linked entry: cýging


CYLL, e; f: cylle, cille,an; f: cylle, es; m. A leather bottle, flagon, vessel; uter, ascopēra = ἀσκοπήρα
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Gesomnigende swá swá on cylle wætera sǽs congregans sicut in utrem aquas maris, Ps. Spl. C. 32, 7. Ðas cylle istum utrem, Greg. Dial. 3, 37. Swá ðú on hríme setest hlance cylle sicut uter in pruina, Ps. Th. 118, 83. Flaxe oððe cylle asscopa [= ascopēra


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Add: -cundd- (v. sió godcundde, Past. 91, 7)



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Add: a grain Þǽre lenticula, ꝥ syndon pysan, heó on hire múð sende þreóra corna gewyrde, Hml. S. 236, 716. Hwá gemenigfylt þæt gerip of feáwum cornum, Hml. Th. i. 184, 32. corn Beren gebered corn tipsana, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 27. Heó sealde þǽm munucum


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Gancge ǽlc æfter óðrum tó cosse fratres accedant ad pacem, R. Ben. 114, 4. Syle mé sibbe coss, Hml. Th. ii. 422, 34. Cossas bassia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 47: 12, 37: labra, An. Ox. 3180. Hé þá mǽdena onscunode, and forbeáh heora cossas, Hml. S. 35, 59. Add


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Dele: 'e; f.,' and add: The word occurs in local names, e.g. Cransleá, Cranmere


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císe-wicu, v. cýs-wuce
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in Dict

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must, wine boiled downdulcisapa

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must, wine boiled down; dulcisapa Awilled wín vel cyren dulcisapa, Cot. 62



to declare, clear, proveadvocāre, purgāre, manifestāre

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to declare, clear, prove; advocāre, purgāre, manifestāre Gif he cynne ðæt he hit bohte if he declare that he bought it, L. Edg. S. 11; Th. i. 276, 12, note 7


a-cýðan, p. -cýðde; pp. -cýðed, -cýd

To showannounceconfirmmanifestareannuntiareconfirmare

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To show, announce, confirm; manifestare, annuntiare, confirmare Yrre acyðan iram manifestare, irasci, Ps. Th. 88, 39. Ǽr he hine acýðan móte ere he can show himself, Exon. 89 b; Th. 336, 15 ; Gn. Ex. 49. Tom acýðan to make known or show one's affliction

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