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lapian, p. ode

To laplick

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To lap, lick Ic lapige lambo, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 32, 25. Gedó ðonne on glæsfæt and ðonne mid hláfe oððe mid swá hwilcum mete swá ðú wille lapa on then put it into a glass vessel, and then, with bread or with whatever food you will, lap it up, L. M. 2


latian, p. ode

To be slowto lingerloiterdelay

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To be slow, to linger, loiter, delay Ic latige on sumere stówe moror, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 14. Hwí latast ðú swá lange ðæt ðú ðé lǽce ne cýðst why dost thou delay so long to show thyself to the leech? Dóm. L. 6, 66. Lataþ tardat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138,

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Add: to show the way (lit. or fig.) to a person Gáþ ealle on þone weg þe eów lǽraþ ðá foremǽran bisna þára gódena gumena, Bt. 40, 4; F. 238, 29. Simle ic þíne weogas wanhogan lǽrde doceam iniquos vias tuas Ps. C. 105. to show a person the way to or from


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Add: trans. to leave, allow to remain, abstain from taking away. with noun object Hé on fæstre stówe lét sum his folc, Ors. 4, 9 ; S. 190, 1. Hié þone óþerne dǽl þǽr léton þæt lond tó healdonne, 1, 10 ; S. 46, 21. Hwilce hwíle hine wille Drihten hér


lacing, The word seems to occur only as a local name
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In loco qui dicitur Lacinge, C. D. ii. 93, 22. On Dýðmere; ðonon on Lacing; andlang Lacing on cealcford, v. 397, 15: vi. 28, 12. Cf. Lacingbróc, vi. 8, 13: 72, 31. In uilla quae cognominatur Lakingheðe, iv. 16, 28. Quandam telluris particulam qui appellatur


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For ag-lǽca l. ág-lǽca, and add:


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Add: to cause to move (líþan) with oneself, to bring or take a person to a place or person, with the person's consent Ezechias lǽdde ðá ællðeódgan ǽrenddracan on his máðmhús, Past. 39, 3. Orfeus lǽdde his wíf mid him oþ þe hé eóm on ꝥ gemǽreleóhtes and


lǽtan, <b>;
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III 2aα.</b> In l. 10 for Christus l. Christo


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Add: with clause Ne lata þú ꝥ þú tó Gode gecyrre, Archiv cxxii. 258, 34


lacu, For 'A pool ...
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On streám oþ þá laca tólicgaþ, Cht. Crw. 3, 12. ¶ as s æsclace ðǽr æsclace fylð út on Wuorf ... of ðǽre ealdan díc on Grindewylles lace ... on Ættanpennes lace, C.D. vi. 48, 8-14. On brómlace; ðonne andlang streámes, iii. 452, 13.


lǽn, lán [v. under lǽn-land], e; f.

a loangrantgiftleasefeefief

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a loan, grant, gift Lǽn commodum, Ælfc. Gl, 14; Som. 58, 5; Wrt. Voc. 21, 1. Lǽn commodum, lucrum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 1 : depositum i. e. commendatum, 139, 1. Borg vel lǽn fenus i. e. lucrum, usura, 148, 24. Tó hwíle lǽn momentum, Ælfc. Gl. 15; Som.

Linked entries: lǽne lǽn-land


lama, loma, lame; adj.


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Lame, disabled in the limbs, maimed, crippled, weak, paralysed, palsied, paralytic On sídan lama pleuriticus, Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 25; Wrt. Voc. 19, 31. Lame debilis vel enervatus, 77; Som. 72, 22; Wrt. Voc. 45, 55. Conclamatus i. commotus, convocatus


lann, loon, e; f.

A bondfetter

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A bond, fetter Licgeþ lonnum fæst lies fast in fetters, Salm. Kmbl. 531; Sal. 265. Fæste gebindan, lonnum belúcan, 557; Sal. 278


lata, an; m.
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One who is late or slow Ðeáh heó ðæs bearnes lata wǽre though she were late in bearing the child, Blickl. Hom1.163, 8


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Laga statutum Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 80. Add


laga, an; m.


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Law Stande án laga, L. C. S. 34; Th. i. 396, 22, MS. B. Rǽde gé forþ lagan fyrþor ic wolde gif mé tó anhagode proceed further in determining laws; I would, if it were convenient for me, Wulfst, 275, 11


-laga, v. án-, út-laga.

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Lama debilis Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 40. Sum mǽden wearð lama quaedam puella paralytica Gr. D. 228, 9. Seó wæs ǽr fíf geár loma, Shrn. 128, 20. Þes lama wǽdla búton handcræfte (cf. sé læg bedryda fram cildháde oð his geendunge, 96, 21), Hml. Th. ii. 98, 16.