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-less. It is found in the cognate dialects
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Leáse sceáweras spies B. 253.
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Ben. 67, 7. v. cawel-leáf, fíc-leáf, hoc-leáf, holen-leáf, ítig-leáf, wín-leáf
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Add: lead Hét se cásere his cwelleras feccan ǽnne ǽrenne hwer and hine áfyllan mid weallendum leáde . . . Hé ( St. George ) bletsode ꝥ leád and læg him onuppan, and ꝥ leád wearð ácolod, Hml. S. 14, 104-115. Leádes clynum mastigiis Wrt.
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Fultum oððe leán emolomentum Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 29. Mænifealde leán gelumpon copiosa (animaruni) emolumenta (Christo) prouenerunt An. Ox. 2633. Þéh þe hié him leána tó þǽre dǽde wénden, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 218, 18.
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Add: leave Búton se abbod him geþafunge mid leáfe sylle; sý þeáh seó leáf on ðá wísan ꝥ þǽr seó foresǽde bót fylige nisi forte abbas licentiam dederit per permissionem suam; ita tamen ut satisfaciat reus ex hoc R. Ben. 69, 7.
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Add: what is untrue, untruth Sege ús nú sóðe búton ǽlcon leáse, Hml. S. 23, 590. what is incorrect Micel yfel déð sé ðe leás wrít, búton hé hit gerihte, Hml. Th. ii. 2, 23
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Leác alium, 6, 53: allium i. 78, 72. Hé leác sette he planted vegetables Shrn. 61, 20. v. cípe-, rysc-leác, fugeles leác. Add
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Hé wearp út his net, and þǽr wearð oninnan án ormǽte leax, Hml. S. 31, 1275. Him mon þá mettas selle þá þe late melten, leax and þá fixas þá þe late meltan. Lch. ii. 176, 23. Add
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Gif hé self drohtað on ðám eordlicum tielongum ðe hé óðrum monnum leán sceolde, Past. 133, 5. Tó gehiéranne suá hwæt suá wé him áuðer oððe leán oððe lǽra[n] wiellen to hear whatever we may dissuade them from or persuade them to 303, 7
Belief ⬩ faith
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Belief, faith Hú mæg se leáfa [other MS. geleáfa] beón forþgenge gif seó lár and ða láreówas áteoriaþ how can belief be prosperous if teaching and teachers fail, Ælfc. Gr. pref; Som. 1, 37. Leáfa fides, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 10: 15, 28. Leáfo, 21, 21
Light ⬩ inconsiderable ⬩ quick ⬩ ready ⬩ nimble ⬩ fickle ⬩ easy
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Light, not heavy, inconsiderable; not slow, quick, ready, nimble, fickle, easy Mín byrðyn ys leóht (Lind. léht; Rush. líht) onus meum leve est, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 30. Leóht and leoþuwác nimble and supple, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 12; Crä. 84. Hé is snel and swift
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Crow-garlic ⬩ allium vineale, Lin
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Cráwan leác hermodactylus Ælfc. Gl. 44; Som. 64, 84; Wrt. Voc. 32, 20
Greátan leag
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Probably Greatley, near Andover, Hants; Greatanleagensis Ealle ðis wæs gesetted on ðam miclan synoð æt Greátanleage, on ðam wæs se ærcebisceop Wulfhelme, mid eallum ðǽm æðelum mannum, and wiotan [and Æðelstáne cyninge] all this was established in the
A recompense ⬩ retrĭbūtio
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A recompense; retrĭbūtio He eft-leán wile ealles génomian he will surely take a recompense, Exon. 24 a; Th. 68, 8; Cri. 1100
Light ⬩ bright ⬩ cheerful ⬩ shining ⬩ clear
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Light, bright, cheerful (perhaps the passages in which the word has the meaning of cheerful should be put under the next word v. leóht-mód), shining, clear Cwæþ ðæt his líc wǽre leóht and scéne he said that his body was bright and beautiful, Cd. 14;
A lion ⬩ lioness
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A lion, lioness Leó leo, Wrt. Voc. 77, 78. Leó leo, leena, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 47, 49. Ðæt nǽfre míne fýnd ne grípen míne sáwle swá swá leó nequando rapiat ut leo animam meam, Ps. Th. 7, 2: 21, 11. Ðá ongan seó leó fægnian ... Seó leó mid hire earmum scræf
To lease ⬩ gather ⬩ collect
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To lease [ = glean dialect.], gather, collect Se eorþlíca anweald nǽfre ne sǽwþ cræftas ac lisþ and gadraþ unþeáwas earthly power never sows virtues, but collects and gathers vices, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 25.