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Gif ðæt God geteód hæbbe, and mé ðæet on lǽne gelíð ( it is to be granted me ) ðæt gesibbra ærfeweard forðcymeð wépnedhádes, C. D. ii. 121, 26. Þæt þæt þe heó tó lǽne onféng, Gr. D. 97, 12. Add


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For the passage substitute Þeáh þe heó þæs bearnes lata wǽre, heó þonne Gode (þæs bearnes MS., but see Latin) nóht lata ne wæs erat tarda soboli, sed non tarda Deo Archiv cxxii. 248, 20-22; Bl. H. 163, 8


lác-sang, es; m.
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A song made when offering(?) Lácsang (MS. lane sang) offertorium, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 62; Wrt. Voc. 28, 41

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mǽr-lacu, a boundary stream, v. lacu,
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where also see gemǽr-lacu


ge-lácian, ic, he -lácige; p. ode; pp. od [lác a gift]

To givebestowpresent one with a thingmuneraremunerare aliquem aliqua re

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To give, bestow, present one with a thing; munerare, munerare aliquem aliqua re Gelácige mid eádigum gifum donis beatis munerabit. Mid écum dó, mid hálgum ðínum, wuldre beón gelácod eternâ fac, cum sanctis this, gloriâ munerari, Te Deum, 21; Lamb. 195

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ǽfen-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To grow towards eveningadvesperascere

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To grow towards evening; advesperascere Hit ǽfenlǽcþ advesperascit, Lk. Bos. 24, 29


dyrst-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To dare audēre

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To dare; audēre Ðæt nán ne dyrstlǽce ceósan hláfordas of lǽwedan mannan that none dare to choose lords of laical men, Chr. 796; Ing. 82, 26

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efen-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To be equal, like, to imitate imĭtāri

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To be equal, like, to imitate; imĭtāri, Lye


fǽ-lǽcan, fá-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To be at deadly enmity, to be at feudinĭmīcĭtiam capĭtālem mŏvēre

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To be at deadly enmity, to be at feud; inĭmīcĭtiam capĭtālem mŏvēre Gif hwá heora ǽnigne fǽlǽce [fálǽce MS. L.] if any one be at feud with any of them, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i. 210, 10

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to be at deadly enmity, to be at feud

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to be at deadly enmity, to be at feud, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i. 210, 10, MS. L


gefér-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To keep company or fellowshipaccompanyassociateassŏciāre

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To keep company or fellowship, accompany, associate; assŏciāre Ic geférlǽce associo? Ælfc. Gr. 30, 5; Som. 34, 51. He hí geférlǽcþ on ánnysse his gelaðunge he associates them in the unity of his church, Homl. Th. i. 496, 24. He biþ gemǽnscipe ðære hálgan


(v.; prefix)
neáh-lǽcan, neá-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte, -lǽcte

To draw nighapproach

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To draw nigh, approach Ðis fýr mé swíðe neálǽceþ ignis mihi adpropinquat, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 24 : Exon. Th. 164, 4; Gú. 1006. Deáþ neálǽcte, 170, 16; Gú. 1112. Hé neálǽhte accessit, Gen. 27; 27. On ðære tíde ðe neálǽhte niðða bearnum, Cd. Th. 77, 32;


geþwǽr-lǽcan, -lécan; p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht
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To agree, assent to; concordāre, assentīre He sǽde ðæt heora þeáwas ne mihton his dihte geþwǽrlǽcan he said that their manners could not accord with his disposition. Homl. Th. ii. 158, 7. Se ðe sóþlíce God lufaþ nele he wiðerian ongeán his bebodum ac


sumer-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte
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To draw near to summer Wite gé ðæt hit sumorlǽhþ, Homl. Th. i. 614, 5


þríst-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht

To become boldto darepresume

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To become bold, to dare, presume Wé þrístlǽcaþ biddan audemus rogare, Hymn. Surt. 111, 34. Hié sint tó manianne ðæt hié nó ðý swíður wið hié ne ðrístlǽcen (ðrisð-, Hatt. MS.) admonendi sunt, ne contra eos audaciores fiant, Past. 28; Swt. 196, 5. Be ðære


cúþ-lǽcan, p. -lǽhte
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To make friends with Hé sende tó Róme gecorene ǽrendracan, wolde cúðlǽcan wið hí, Hml, S. 25, 644. v. ge*-*cúþlǽcan


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For 'M. H. 14 a substitute Seó lár ne mihte þám cneorðlǽcendum cnihte cýðan be his Scyppende, Hml. S. 3, 27


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Cild swíþran chores edlǽcean ( repetant ) þá ufran, Angl. xiii. 410, 645, 646. Edlǽcendum reciprocis, iteratis, Hpt. Gl. 460, 45: 462, 3: 470, 64: 516, 56. Edlǽhtum reciprocis, iteratis, 484, 5. Add


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to alienate, estrange Fremedlǽcede (-lǽtede, MS.) alienati, Ps. Rdr. 57, 4


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Add: to accompany with gifts Crístes móder, Godes beboda gemyndig, eóde tó Godes húse mid láce, and gebróhte þæt cild þe heó ácende gelácod ( she brought the child and gifts along with it; cf. hí sceoldon bringan ánes geáres lamb mid heora cylde Gode