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geond-leccan, part. -leccende; p. -lehte; pp. -leht
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To wet through, moisten, water; rĭgāre Geondleccende muntas of heora uferum dǽlum rĭgans montes de sŭpĕriōrĭbus suis, Ps. Lamb. 103, 13

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lífan, léfan, lýfan; p. de

To believe

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To believe Ðá lýfde Simplicus and fulwihte onféng, Shrn. 146, 18. Ða dysegan men ðe ðysum drýcræftum lýfdon. Bt. Met. Fox 26, 197; Met. 26, 99. Swá is tó lýfenne ðæt ... Blickl. Homl. 11, 12


án-for-lǽtan, ic -læte, ðú -lætest, -lǽtst, he -lǽteþ, -léteþ, pl. -lǽtaþ; p. -lét, -leórt, -leót, pl. -léton; pp. -lǽten

To leave aloneloserelinquishforsakeamittere

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To leave alone, lose, relinquish, forsake; amittere Ðú nú án-forléte thou hast now lost, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 12: Bd. 1, 27, resp. 3; S. 490, 25: 4, 10; S. 578, 34

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driht-líc, driht-lec


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lordly, Menol. Fox 511; Gn. C. 26: Cd. 33; Th. 168, 12; Gen. 2781


ge-lácan, p. -léc

To play a trick ondelude

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To play a trick on, delude On hý geléc ðæt hý mid him wunnon he deluded them into making war with him, Ors. 3,,7; Bos. 60, 2


gódlíc, -lec; adj.
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Goodly, good Gódlíc gumrinc a goodly man, Exon. 129 a; Th. 495, 7; Rä. 84, 4. Gódlíce geardas goodly dwellings, Cd. 35; Th. 46, 6; Gen. 740. Gódlecran stól a goodlier throne, 15; Th. 18, 31; Gen. 281


lǽce-finger, es; m.

The leech-finger

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The leech-finger, the fourth finger [though in one gloss it seems to be the little-finger] Þuma pollex, scytelfinger index, middelfinger medius, lǽcefinger medicus, eárefinger auricularius, Wrt. Voc. 71, 30-34. At p. 44,7-8 the names are different:--

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lísan, lýsan; p. de

To loosenreleaseredeemdeliver

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To loosen, release, redeem, deliver Mín sáwl ða ðú sylf lýsdest anima mea, quam redemisti, Ps. Th. 70, 21. Se sylfa cyning mid síne líchoman lýsde of firenum, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 22; Cri. 1210. Gif hé ða hand lésan [álýsan, MS. H; lýsan, MS. B.] wille

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lange, adv.

Longa long timefar

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Long, a long time, far Lange diu; leng diutius; ealra lengst diutissime, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 10. Longe procul, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 71: penitus, 72. Ðá hé ðá lange and lange hearpode when then he had harped a long, long time, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 5. Hú

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a-lúcan, p. -leác, pl. -lucon; pp. -locen [a, lúcan to lock]

To separatetake or pluck awaywithdrawavellere

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To separate, take or pluck away, withdraw; avellere He wæs fram liim alocen avulsus est ab eis, Lk. Bos. 22, 41. Alúc ðú hine fram mínum weofode pluck thou him away from mine altar, L. Alf. 13; Th. i. 48, 1

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a-leódan, p. -leád, pl. -ludon; pp. -loden [a, leódan to spring]

To growgerminarecrescere

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To grow; germinare, crescere Ðe under lyfte a-loden wurde what was grown up under heaven, Exon. 128a; Th. 493, 5; Rä. 81, 25: Ps. Th. 106, 36


ge-leccan, part. -leccende; ic -lecce, ðú -lecest, -lecst, he -leceþ, -lecþ, pl. -leccaþ; p. -lehte; pp. -leht

To moistenwethŭmectārerĭgāre

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To moisten, wet; hŭmectāre, rĭgāre Geleccende muntas ofer ðám uferum his rĭgans montes de sŭpĕriōrĭbus suis, Ps. Spl. 103, 14. Mid mínum teárum strecednysse míne oððe míne beddinge ic beþweá oððe ic gelecce lacrĭmis meis strātum meum rĭgābo, Ps. Lamb

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borgiend, es; m. [part. of borgian to lend]
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A usurer; fœnerator Smeáge borgiend [MS. borgiende] ealle spéda his scrutetur fœnerator omnem substantiam ejus, Ps. Spl. 108, 10

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ge-treówleás, -trýwleás; def. se -leása; adj.

Without faithunfaithfulperfidiousperfĭdus

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Without faith, unfaithful, perfidious; perfĭdus Se getreówleása cyning rex perfĭdus, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 11


er-bleadd, es; n. [er = ear an ear of corn, bleadd = blæd a blade, leaf]

A stalk, stem, blade, haulm, straw, stubblestĭpŭla

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A stalk, stem, blade, haulm, straw, stubble; stĭpŭla Ðú asendest yrre ðín and hit æt hí swá swá erbleadd mīsisti īram tuam, quæ devŏrābit eos sīcut stĭpŭlam, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 8; Thw. 29, 8


be-leósan, bi-leósan; p. -leás, pl. -luron; pp. -loren [be, leósan to loose]

To let goto deprive ofto be deprived ofloseprivareorbareprivariamittere

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To let go, to deprive of, to be deprived of, lose; privare, orbare, privari, amittere Leóhte belorene deprived of light Cd. 5; Th. 6, 9; Gen. 86 : Beo. Th. 2150; B. 1073 : Andr. Kmbl. 2159; An. 1081. Ðǽr is swíðe beleás hérum, ðám ðe ic hæfde there I

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for-lǽtan, ic -lǽte, ðú -lǽtest, -lǽtst, he -lǽteþ, -léteþ, pl. -lǽtaþ; p. -lét, -leórt, -leót, pl. -léton; pp. -lǽten [for, lǽtan].

to let gopermitsufferpermittĕreto relinquishforsakeomitneglectrelinquĕreomittĕreprætĕrīre

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let go, permit, suffer; permittĕre Sum eorþlíc ǽ forlǽtaþ some earthly law permits, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 2. to relinquish, forsake, omit, neglect; relinquĕre, omittĕre, prætĕrīre Forlǽt se man fæder and móder, and geþeót hine to his wífe the man shall leave

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or-læg, -leg, es; n. (?)
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Fate Nó ic (Daniel) wið feohsceattum ofer folc bere Drihtnes dómas, ac ðé ( Belshazzar) unceápunga orlæg secge, worda gerýnu I will tell thee thy fate (by explaining the writing on the wall), Cd. Th. 262, 19; Dan. 746. Hé ðonne á tô ealdre orleg dreógeþ

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be-lúcan, he -lýcþ; p. -leác, pl. -lucon; pp. -locen; v. trans. [be, lúcan to lock]

To lock upinclosesurroundshutshut upconcludererecludereincluderecircumcludereamplectiobserareclaudere

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To lock up, inclose, surround, shut, shut up; concludere, recludere, includere, circumcludere, amplecti, obserare, claudere Drihten hí beleác Dominus conclusit eos Deut. 32, 30. Gif he ðone oxan belúcan nolde si non recluserit bovem Ex. 21, 29. Ðá hét

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lǽw, léw, e; f.
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Injury, weakening Gelíce þám dwǽsan þe for heora prýtan léwe ( through the disastrous effect of their pride ? ) nellað beorgan, Wlfst. 165, 9

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