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CARELESS, reckless, void of care, free; improvidus, securus Wulfas sungon, carleásan deór wolves howled, reckless beasts, Cd. 151; Th. 188, 10; Exod. 166. He on ðam dóme freoh and carleás biþ injudicio liber erit, R. Ben. 2
Linked entries: carleás-nes cear-leás
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Without light Hé sǽde ðæt hé wǽre gelǽd tó leóhtleásre stówe he said that he was conducted to a place without light, Homl. Th. ii. 504, 29
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Hé hét hí lǽdan tó leóhtleásum cwearterne, Hml. S. 29, 240: 35, 36. Add
Length ⬩ height ⬩ stature
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Leáf on fingeres lenge leaves of the length of a finger, Herb. 147, 1; Lchdm. i. 270, 22. On fingres lencge, 15o, 1; Lchdm. i. 274, 4. Seó sunne stód stille ánes dæges lencge [længce, MS.
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BOOTLESS, unpardonable, what cannot be remedied, recompensed or expiated; inexpiabilis Ðonne síg ðæt bótleás then is that unpardonable, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 358, 24. Húsbryce is bótleás housebreaking is unpardonable, L. C. S. 65; Th. i. 410, 6
Linked entry: bót-wyrþe
Leave ⬩ permission ⬩ licence
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Leave, permission, licence Gif him léfnys seald wǽre if leave had been given him, Bd. 1, 23; S. 486, 8. Lýfnes licentia, 4, 18; S. 586, 34: 2, 1; S. 501, 32: 5, 19; S. 640, 10.
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Take here drince-leán, and add Drynceleán, Ll. Th. i. 422, note 1. The word occurs under the heading: De officiis domino debitis
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Ácleác quernum, Wrt. Voc. i. 32, 29
fugeles leác
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Viumum? Glos. Brux. Recd. 42, 30; Wrt. Voc. 68, 45
hræfnes leác
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orchis, see Lchdm. iii. 333, col. 1. v. Grmm. D. M. 1144
fugeles leác
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O. H. Ger. fogal-krút viciam)
Peaceless ⬩ not included in a treaty of peace ⬩ pācis expers
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Peaceless, not included in a treaty of peace; pācis expers Gif hwá ðæne friþleásan man healde if any one keep a peaceless man, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 5
Linked entry: friþe-leás
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false Leásfyrhte is unrihtwísnys him mentita est iniquitas sibi, Ps. Spl. 26, 18
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The leaf of a bramble; rubi folium Nim brǽmbel-leáf take bramble-leaves, Lchdm. iii. 40, 26
A lead-mine
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A lead-mine Eft in leádgedelf; of leádgedelfe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 401, 7
Linked entry: ge-delf
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Add: p. leáh; pp. ligen
void of honour ⬩ honourless ⬩ disgraceful ⬩ infamous ⬩ wicked ⬩ impious ⬩ inhonestus ⬩ impius ⬩ infamis ⬩ pitiless ⬩ merciless ⬩ cruel ⬩ crudelis
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void of honour, honourless, disgraceful, infamous, wicked, impious; inhonestus, impius, infamis Him árleáse cyn andswarode the honourless race answered him, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 15; Gen. 2475 : 91; Th. 116, 10; Gen. 1934. Hleór geþolade árleásra spátl my
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Without pollution, spotless, blameless; sine pollutione, immaculatus, irreprehensus Ðæt he mǽge éðles mid monnum brúcan bysmerleás that he may enjoy the world blameless with men, Exon. 27a; Th. 81, 19; Cri. 1326
Linked entry: bismer-leás
A reward, recompense, requital, retribution ⬩ præmium, retrĭbūtio
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A reward, recompense, requital, retribution; præmium, retrĭbūtio Edleánes dæg retribūtiōnis dies, Lk. Bos. 4, 19. Ðæt edleán, Bt. 3, 4; Fox 6, 19: Andr. Kmbl. 2457; An. 1230. For edleane propter retrĭbūtiōnem, Ps. Spl. 118, 112
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Falsely Hé leáse fleswede (leáslíce ongann), Bd. 2, 9; Sch. 147, 1