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ge-mildsiend, -miltsiend, es; m.
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Ðú góda cyngc and earmra gemiltsigend thou good king and pitier of the poor, Th. Apol. 18, 11

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Bil . . . wǽpna cyst . . . gód and geatolic giganta geweorc, 1562


Frig-dæg, Frige dæg, es; m.

FRIDAYFriga's daydies Vĕnĕris

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FRIDAY, Friga's day, the day on which the heathens worshipped the goddess Friga, or Venus, the consort of Woden and protectress of matrimony; dies Vĕnĕris Man singe ǽlc Frigdæge æt ǽlcum mynstre, ealle ða Godes þeówan, án fíftig sealmas for ðone cyng


Middel-Engle, a; pl.

The Middle Anglesthe Angles of Leicestershire

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Green's Making of England, pp. 74-80) Of Engle cóman Eást-Engle and Middel-Engle and Myrce and eall Norþhembra cynn de Anglis Orientales Angli, Mediterranei Angli, Merci, tota Nordanhymbrorum progenies ... sunt orti, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 25.

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namian, p. ode.

to namemention the name ofmentionto nameappoint by name to a particular dutynominateto namegive a name to

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Beforan his witum ðe se cyng silf namode, L. Æðelst. v. 10; Th. i. 240, 6. to name, give a name to Hwí namode Crist Abel rihtwísne? Boutr. Scrd. 18, 6


scegð, scǽð, es; m.: e; f.
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Hér bebeád se cyng ðæt man sceolde ofer eall Angelcynn scipu wircean; ðæt is ðonne of þrým hund hídum and of x hídon ǽnne scegð (scægð, MS. D.), Chr. 1008; Erl. 141, 18. See note. Scéthas curuanas (?), Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 52.


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His stíward hét se cyng on róde áhón, 1096; P. 232, 23. Hí hiene hét áhón in crucem suspendit, Ors. 4, 4; S. 164, 33. Sié áhóen crucifigatur, Mt. L. 27, 22: Lk. L. 23, 23


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On óþer benda cynn, 6. Bendum nexibus, An. Ox. 4935. Þone hié hæfdon mid him on bendum quem captivum de-tinebant. Ors. 4, 6; S. 178, 9. Ðá hálgan menn geðafeden monige bendas (vincula), Past. 205, 12. Bende nodos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 27. Add


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Add: incitement, cause of strong feeling Þám tímum þe mé ǽnig onbrerdnes cym[e] be ðám ǽcan lýfe at those times in which l am inspired with any strong emotion about the life eternal, Solil.


hindan, adv.
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Se cyng férde him æt hindan and offerde hi the king marched in their rear [pursued them] and overtook them, 1016; Erl. 158, l. Pharao férde him æt hindan Pharao pursued after them, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 63, 226


plihtan, p. te
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.), to compromise [To plight has later the meaning of to promise under peril of forfeiture, to make a solemn engagement for which one has to answer] Gif hwá bútan leáfe of fyrde gewende ðe se cyng sylf on sý plihte him sylfum and ealre his áre it shall


spíwan, p. spáw, pl. spiwon.
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Ðonne is cynn, ðæt him spíwe ðæt wíf on ðæt nebb, Past. 5; Swt. 45, 2

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wíd-mǽre, adj.
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Wídmǽre cynn, 158, 16 ; Gen. 2618. of things Án wundorlíc tácn gelamp, swá wídmǽre ðæt feáwa wǽron on ðære neáwiste ðe ðæt ne gesáwe, oððe ne gehýrde, Homl. Th. ii. 28, 35.


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Hét se cyng áblendan Ælfgár, Chr. 993; P. 127, 29. Him burston út his eágan . . . hé wearð áblend, Hml. S. 19, 129. Wulfeáh and Ufegeat wǽron áblende, Chr. 1006; P. 136, 10.


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Twá cynn sind martirdómes, án dearnunge, óðer eáwunge, Hml. Th. ii. 544, 14. Hí þá sceattas eáwunga and dearnunga spendon, Hml. S. 23, 199. Þæt hé ǽnige sprǽce wiþ hý áge, eáwunga oþþe dearnunga, R. Ben. 141, 1.


(n.; v.)
ge-bytlu, For 'indecl. f.
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Se cyng Willelm tó Pentecosten forman síðe his híréd innan his níwan gebyttlan æt Westmynstre heóld ( William in the twelfth year of his reign for the first time kept court in the new palace of Westminster, Hen. Hunt.), Chr. 1099; P. 234, 34.


wíc-herpaþ, es; m.
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Be ðam yrðlande óð hit cymð tó ðam wícherpaðe, ðonne andlang ðæs wícherpaðes tó ðam stǽnenan stapole, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 418, 27. Cf. wíc-weg


cyll-fylling, e; f.
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The filing of a bottle (cyll) Hí þone Godes wer gesáwon him befeólan mid þǽre cyllfyllinge (þáre cillan fyllinge, v. l.) virum Dei ad implendum utrem sibi insistere viderent, Gr. D. 250, 27


císe-lybb, (cís-)
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Ne cýse ne cýslyb, Angl. ix. 260, 13. Haran cýslyb, Lch. i. 346, 11. Cýslybbu coagula, Germ. 390, 68

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Þára cynna monig hé wiste on Germanie wesan, þanon Engle and Seaxan cumene wǽron þe nú on Breotone eardiað. Wǽron Frysan, Dene, Ealdseaxan (Ald-, v. l. ), Bd. 5, 9; Sch. 590, 9. Add