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Hí þǽra cinga sehte swá gemacedon, ꝥ se cyng Melcolm tó úran cynge cóm, and his man wearð, Chr. 1091; P. 227, 2. <b>II a.


scír-gesceatt, es; n.
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The properly of a see Æðelríc bisceop grét freóndlíce Æðelmǽr: and ic cýðe ðæt mé is wana æt ðam scýrgesceatte ðus micelys ðe míne foregengan hæfdon . . . Ðises ys ealles wana .xxxiii. hída of ðám hídun ðe óðre bisceopas ǽr hæfdon intó hyra scýre.

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andgit-leást, e; f.
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Ongeán þám andgyte þe of Godes gyfe cymð se deófol sǽwð angytléste (-leáste, v. l. ), 53, 2


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Bombus hlówung vel sorbellus, clamor tubis cyrm, 126, 48. Hlówengum bombis (aurea hunc bombis nascentem vacula (bacula, Giles; but cf. aurea quadrupes, Ald. 20, 34) vatem signavit, Ald. 144, 6), 90, 6. Hlówengum vel swoegum, 12, 8. For 'Hlóweng. . .


cist, a chest.
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D. chest, 4] Cistula, sporta vel cyst, Wrt. Voc. 131, 19. a horn as a receptacle (?) Ceste cornu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 105, 34. Cyste, 15, 53


LÍM, es; m.


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Eorþan líme ... ðæt is syndrig cynn, symle biþ ðý heardra ðé hit swearte sǽstreámas swíðor beátaþ, Cd. 66; Th. 80, 2-10; Gen. 1322-1326. Þurh lím per cola, Hpt. Gl. 411, 7


ranclíce, adv.
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C. 35; Th. ii. 358, 6. boldly (v. ranc, III) Ymbe ða feówer tíman wé wyllaþ cýðan iungum preóstum má þinga ðæt hig mágon ðé ranclícor ðás þing heora clericum geswutelian, Anglia viii. 312, 18


helde, an; f.


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Allegiance, fealty Hé ðǽr on ðæs cynges willelmes heldan tó cynge gesette he placed Edgar there as king in allegiance to King William, Chr. 1097; Erl. 234, 37.

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werian, p. ode
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To remain, continue, live Ic cýðe eów, ðæt ic wylle ðæt Giso bisceop weryge on his lande æt Chyw ælswó hys foregenga ætforen him ǽr dyde sciatis me uelle quod Giso episcopus possideat terram suam apud Chyw sicut fecerunt praedecessores sui, Cod.



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Hé ferde on hetelicum wintra, on swá swíðlicum cyle ꝥ sume men swulton þurh þone, Hml. S. 31, 59


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Þonne cymð óðer ðing þe mé þincð rihtlicre and rǽdlicre, ðonne forlét ic þæt þæt ic ǽr genóh hæfde, Solil. H. 33, 4. v. oft-, un-, wiþer-rǽdlic. Add


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Scealt þú þínes unþances þone hord ámeldian þe þú sylfwilles ǽr noldest cýðan, 23, 716. Syl(f)willes ultronea (Victoria . . . ultronea spospondit se . . . pulsaturam, Ald. 69, 15), An. Ox. 4862


ge-mǽre, es; pl. nom. a, o, u; n.
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Cýð ðis folc ðæt híg ne gán ofer ða gemǽro tell this people not to cross the bounds, Exod. 19, 21, 12. v. Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. viii sqq


wiþ-útan, adv. prep.

Withoutwithoutoutside ofwithoutwithout

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Se cyng gefeaht tógeánes his sunu wiðútan Normandíge, 1079; Erl. 216, 7. without (the opposite of with) Hé hæfde Ýrlande gewunnon wiðútan ǽlcon wǽpnon, Chr. 1086; Erl. 222, 18.

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wrecan, <b>. Ib.</b>
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</b> add :-- Eall his cynn mon ofslóg, þý lǽs hit monn uferan dógore wrǽcce (wrǽce, v.l.) cognati omnes supplicio traditi : ne quis eum ejusdem famliae umquam ulcisci meditaretur, Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 6.


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. : — Hwanon cymð lígetu? Heó cymð fram winde and fram wætere, Sal. K. 186, 14. Lýgtu flamma. Ps. L. 105, 18. Légitu fulgur, Ps. Srt. ii. 196, 19. Légite fulgoris, 190, 15. On þá gelícnesse tungles oððe lígite, Nar. 7, 14.


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Be ðám gráfe ðæt hit cymð in ðám snǽde; of ðám snǽde ðæt hit cymð in ðone norðran styfecinc in ðone swínhagan, iii. 18, 31-34. Tó stybban snáde ðǽr ðá twégen wegas tólicgað, vi. 26, 30. On timberhricges snád foreweardne, v. 71, 1.


calend, es; m.
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Fox 62; Men. 31. the appointed time or day of life; dies, terminus vitæe Ǽr se dæg cyme, ðæt sý his calend arunnen ere the day come, when his appointed time be run out, Salm. Kmbl. 959; Sal. 479


ge-gearcian, p. ode; pp. od

To prepare

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To prepare Ðá hét se cyngc scipa gegearcian and him æfter faran, ac hit wæs lang ǽr ðam þe ða scipa gegearcode wǽron then the king bade prepare ships and go after him, but it was long before the ships were ready, Th. Ap. 7, 16-7 : Homl.

hundredes ealdor

hundredes ealdor, es; m.

a centurion

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Cýðan hit ðæs túnes men ðam hundredes ealdre, 8; Th. i. 274, 28