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wenian, p. ede
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Th. 300, 17; Fä. 7. to draw, attract, to draw to Ðæt æt feohgyftum Folc*-*waldan sunu dógra gehwylce Dene weorþode, Hengestes heáp hringum wenede ( he should attach them to himself by presents ), efne swá swíðe swá hé Fresena cyn byldan wolde, Beo.


wiþer-rǽde, adj.

Adversecontraryat variancehostilerebelliouscontumaciousout of harmonyrepugnantoffensivedisagreeableadversenot fitted to further the good of anythingunfavourabledisadvantageouscontraryof an opposite nature

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Ongeán ðam wíslícan rǽde, ðe of Godes ágenre gyfe cymð, se wiðerrǽda deófol (the devilish adversary ) sǽwð réceleásnesse, Wulfst. 53, 7. Wurdon wiðerrǽde se cyng and se eorl, Chr. 1104; Erl. 239, 24.


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Cierliscum (ceorl-, cyrl-, v. ll.) men feówertig sciłł. gebéte. Be cirliscere (cierl-, cyrl-, v. ll.) fǽmnan onfenge. Gif mon on cirliscre (ceorl-, cyrl-, v. ll. ) fǽmnan breóst gefó, Ll.


CROP, cropp, es; m.

a sprout or top of a herb, flower, berry, an ear of corn, a bunch of berries or blooms, cluster cymathyrsusspica, corymbusracermus, uvathe CROP or craw of a bird vesicula gutturisa kidney rien

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a sprout or top of a herb, flower, berry, an ear of corn, a bunch of berries or blooms, cluster; cyma= κῦμα thyrsus = θύρσος spica, corymbus = κόρυμβος racermus, uva Crop cyma Ælfc. Gl. 60; Som. 68, 18; Wrt. Voc. 39, 4.

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-e, in the termination of nouns, denotes a person; as, Hyrde, es; m.

A shepherd, from hyrdan to guard. The vowel -e is also used to form nouns denoting inanimate objects; as, Cýle, es; m. Cold; cwide, es; m. A saying, testament: brice, es; m. A breach: wlite, es; m. Beauty. These are mostly derived from verbs, and are masculine , but when derived from adjectives they are feminine; as, Rihtwíse, an; f. Justice

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The vowel -e is also used to form nouns denoting inanimate objects; as, Cýle, es; m. Cold; cwide, es; m. A saying, testament: brice, es; m. A breach: wlite, es; m. Beauty.


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Swá hwæt swá þé on eáge byreð æfter tíde cymð seó endung (fulfilment), Lch. iii. 154, 22. Neár worulde endunge, Past. 213, 6. On endungce in consummatione, Ps. L. 58, 14. On heora endunge þonne hié endiaþ, Bt. 16, 3; F. 56, 26.


módig-ness, <b>. I.</b>
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Ǽlc yfel cymð of módignysse, Hml. A. 40, 405. Geseoh heora módignysse and úre æádmódnysse, 107, 163. Hé on assan hricge rád eádmódlíce mannum tó bysne ꝥ hí módignysse onscunion, Hml. S. 27) 99. v. ofer-, un-módigness. Add


ange, ænge, enge, onge; adj.


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Ðá wæs ðam cynge swíðe ange on his mode then the king was greatly troubled in his mind, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 48, 14


sele-rǽdend, es ; m.
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One who takes part in the councils held in a hall, a counsellor of a prince Manige cómon snottere selerǽdend, symble gefégon beornas burhweardes cyme, Andr. Kmbl. 1317 ; An. 659.


tó-syndrian, p. ode
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Ðú settest on foldan swíðe feala cynna and tósyndrodest hig siððan. Hy. 9, 21; Btwk. 198, 6: Hy. 7, 65 ; Dom. L. 44, 65. Gescádene ł tósendrede discretas, segregatas . Hpt. Gl. 411, 21

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wócor, e; f.


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Increase, fruit, offspring Sceal fæsl wesan cwiclifigendra cynna gehwilces on ðæt wudufæsten, wócor gelæded eorðan túdres, Cd. Th. 79, 17 ; Gen. 1312. Féd feora wócre, 81, 9 ; Gen. 1342.


wín-treów, es; n.
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Of ðissum cynne wíntreós (-trées, Lind.) de hoc genimine vitis, 26, 29


(num.; adj.)
eahta-týne, -ti(é)ne.
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Þeós smerenes wæs geworht of ehtaténe cynna wyrtum, Bl. H. 73, 20. Gif þú dést twelf tó þám eahtatýnum epactum, Angl. viii. 301, 21. v. ehta-týne in Dict. Add


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On odene cylne macian, Angl. ix. 262, 2. Add: :-- Ðá ðing tó bewitanne ðe tó scipene oððe tó odene belimpað, Angl. ix. 260, 5. Man sceal habban . . . tó odene fligel, 264, 8


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Cýtan árǽran ꝥ hí wið cyle and wið hǽton hí sylfe geburgon, Hml. S. 23, 419. For þæs sumores hǽtan, Bl. H. 59, 4. Se hara þonne hé on sumura for swíðlicre hǽtan geteórud byþ, Lch. i. 226, 23. <b>III a.


(v.; prep.)
tellan, p. tealde; pp. teald: also forms as from telian occur: ic telge, hí teliaþ; p. telede; p. teled.
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Nis hit nán cyn, ðæt mon ðæt for náuht telle, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 86, 14-19.


ǽ-bylgness, ǽ-byligness.
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Of ðám leahtre (weámét) cymð hreám, and ǽbilignys, Hml. Th. ii. 220, 14. Hé hí mid gedréfedre ǽbilignysse him fram ádráf, 24, 30: Ap. Th. 4, 10. Racha getácnað ǽbylignysse oððe yrre, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 279, 18. Ǽbilignysse, 280, 3.

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and-cýþness, e; f.
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Experience Hé wilnade þætte eall seó þeód þe hé fore wæs mid þǽre gife ðæs crístnan geleáfan gelǽred wǽre, þæs geleáfan ondcýðnesse (&amp;-, v. l.) hé swíðust onféng on sigegefeohtum ellreordra cynna desiderans totam, cui praeesse coepit, gentem

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Þonne se geohsa of þǽre ídlan wambe cymð and of þǽre gelǽran, 62, 1. Þonne findest þú þá blǽdran gelǽre, 250, 21. figurative, empty-handed Nánne forlǽt þú gelǽrne fram þé, E. S. viii. 474, 52


here-wíc, es; n.

An encampmentcampdwelling

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Him mon sægde ðæt ðǽr mon cymen wæs of Alexandres herewícum he was told that a man was come from Alexander's camp, Nar. 18, 9: Cd. 95; Th. 123, 26; Gen. 2051

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