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to let [go] awaylet escapeabire permittere

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to let [go] away, let escape; abire permittere, L. C. S. 29 ; Th. i. 392, 54


be-ládian, ic -ládige; p. ode; pp. od

To clearexcuseexcusare

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To clear, excuse; excusare Ðæt he wolde beládian his módor that he might clear his mother Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65, 24 : Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 35


be-lǽdan, p. -lǽdde; pp. -lǽd, -léd; v. a.

To bringlead bymisleadleadseducereinferreinducereimpellere

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To bring, lead by, mislead, lead; seducere, inferre, inducere, impellere Ðú belǽddest us on grin thou hast mislead us into a snare ; induxisti nos in laqueum R. Ben. 7. Belǽd beón mid unþeáwum impelli vitiis R. Ben. 64

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be-lǽwan, p. -lǽwde; pp. -lǽwed; v. a.

To bewraybetraytradereprodere

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To bewray, betray; tradere, prodere Ðæt he hyne wolde belǽwan ut traderet eum Mt. Bos. 26, 15, 16. Heó hine belǽwde she betrayed him Jud. 16, 21. Ðæt Iohannes belǽwed wæs quod Ioannes traditus esset Mt. Bos. 4, 12

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blód-lǽtan, p. -lét, pl. -léton; pp. -lǽten
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To let blood, bleed; sanguinem emittere, phlebotomare Blódlǽtan móna gód ys it is a good moon for letting blood, Lchdm. iii. 184, 11: Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 14


cúþ-lǽtan, [cúþ = cýþ relationship, lǽtan to admit]

To enter into friendshipsocietatem facere, Som. Ben. Lye

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To enter into friendship; societatem facere, Som. Ben. Lye


ellen-lǽca, an; m.

A championpŭgil, agōnista

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A champion; pŭgil, agōnista, Cot. 15


forþ-lǽdan, p. de; pp. ed

To lead or bring forthproduceprodūcĕre

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To lead or bring forth, produce; prodūcĕre Se ðe forþlǽdeþ windas of goldhordum his qui prodūcit ventos de thesauris suis, Ps. Lamb. 134, 7. Freódrihten hine forþlǽdde to ðam hálgan hám the lord led him forth to the holy home, Cd. 226; Th. 300, 18; Sae


ge-lácnian, -lácnigan; p. ode; pp. od

To healcuresānāremĕdēri

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To heal, cure; sānāre, mĕdēri Gif hine mon gelácnian mǽge if he can be healed, L. Alf. pol. 69; Th. i. 98, 8. His sáwle wunda dǽdbétende gelácnian to heal the wounds of his soul by doing penance, Homl. Th. i. 124, 14. Gelácnigan, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80,

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ge-ládian, p. ode; pp. od

To clearvindicateexcusepurgareexculpareexcusare

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To clear, vindicate, excuse; purgare, exculpare, excusare Geládige hine let him clear himself, L. C. S. 44; Th. i. 402, 5 : 29; Th. i. 392, 16. Ðonne biþ he self geládod wiþ hine selfne then shall he himself be acquitted towards himself, Past. 21; Swt


ge-lǽfan, p. de; pp. ed

To leavederelinquĕre

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To leave; derelinquĕre Ðé gelǽfed is se þearfa tĭbi derelictus est pauper, Ps. Lamb. second 9, 14. Ðæt gelǽfed wæs quod superfuit, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 15, 37


ge-lǽran, ic -lǽre, ðú -lǽrest, -lǽrst, he -lǽreþ, -lǽrþ, pl. -lǽraþ; p. -lǽrde; pp. -lǽred, -lǽrd

To teacheducateinstructadvisepersuadeinducedŏcēreerŭdīrepersuādēre

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To teach, educate, instruct, advise, persuade, induce; dŏcēre, erŭdīre, persuādēre We ðé mágon eáðe sélre gelǽran we may easily teach thee better, Andr. Kmbl. 2706; An. 1355 : Beo. Th. 562; B. 278. Se gelǽrde peohtas to fullwihte he brought the Picts

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ge-lǽtan, -létan; p. -leórt; pp. -lǽten

To allowmake over to any one

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To allow, make over to any one Eádgár æðeling wearþ belandod of ðám ðe se eorl him ǽror to handa gelǽten hæfde Edgar Atheling was deprived of those lands which the earl had before made over to him, Chr. 1091; Erl. 227, 24. Ðú gelétas permittas, Rtl.


ge-lafian, p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed

To washlaverefreshrefĭcĕre

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To wash, lave, refresh; refĭcĕre He winedryhten his wætere gelafede he laved his liege lord with water, Beo. Th. 5438; B. 2722

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ge-lagian, p. ode; pp. od

To establish by lawconstitutedecreelēge sancīre

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To establish by law, constitute, decree; lēge sancīre Ðe Eádgár cyningc gelagode which king Edgar decreed, L. Eth. ix. 7; Th. i. 342, 13. Hú hit gelagod wæs how it was constituted, L. Ælf. P. 41; Th. ii. 382, 17. Ðe gelagod is to gedwolgoda weorðunge

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in-lagian, p. ode
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To restore an outlaw to the protection of the law Ǽrest ðæt hé his ágenne wer gesylle ðam cyninge and Criste and mid ðam hine sylfne inlagige first, thnt he [a man who has committed manslaughter in a church] pay his own 'wer' to the king and to Christ


in-laðian, p. ode

To invite

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To invite Ðá cwæþ hé tó ðam ðe hine inlaðode dicebat ei qui se invitaverat, Lk. Skt. 14, 12. Ic wæs cuma and gé mé inlaðodon hospes eram, et collegistis me, Mt. Kmbl. 25. 35


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lyb-lǽca, an; m.

A sorcerer

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A sorcerer Lyblǽcan caragios [caragius sortilegus, præstigiator qui characteribus magicis utitur, Ducange], Wrt.Voc. ii. 13, 53

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on-lǽnan, p. de; with gen. or acc.
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of the loan. to lend, grant Ic eów onlǽne ðás gewítendan, and ic eów geselle ða þurhwuniendan, Past. 46, 5; Swt. 351, 13. Se cræft ðe him Crist onlǽnþ, Met. 10, 37. Hé úre ðé onlǽnde æfter his bebodum tó brúcanne, Bt. 7, 5; Fox 24, 9. Gif hwá his wǽpnes