A lea ⬩ meadow
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Tó ðam leá ... on eásteweardan ðam leá ... tó fealuwes leá ðæt on fealuwes leá ... fram fealuwes leá, 250, 2, 16, 29, 32. Æt Eardulfes leá ... tó Aþelwoldes leá, Chart. Th. 291, 19, 22.
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Leáh lexiva 50, 50: lixa, 52, 13. On bitere lége, L. Med. Ex. Quad. 9, 14; Lchdm. i. 364, 5. Ofergeót ða ascen mide, mac swá tó léga, 378, 11. Wyrc him leáge of ellenahsan, L. M. 3, 47; Lchdm. ii. 338, 25
A lea
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Of ðam clyfe on heán léage: ðæt on lungan leáge .. ðonne on Swonleáge, 48, 6, 7. On Wytleáhe; of Wytleáge, 14, 6. Óð ða lége, 406, 27
Linked entry: leáh
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Leág, lǽg lexiva Txts. 74, 591. Lǽcedónias wiþ miclum heáfodece . . . and sealf tó þon ilcan, and leáh and eágsealfa, Lch. ii. 172, 28 : 302, 23. Add
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In l. 12 after Kmbl. insert ii. and add Þurh ðone leá on ðám leáge; þurh ðone lytlan leá westeweardne . . . þurh ðone leá norðeweardne, C. D. v. 207, 12-23
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Fram ceddan leáge tó langan leáge . . . fram langan leáge, C. D. ii. 73, 21. In illud septum tó brádan leáge, transitque illo septo brádan leáge, iii. 383, 18. On ceaforleáhe; of ðǽre leáhe, 77, 26 : 79, 2. v. fyrs-, gemót-,, Add
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The ridge of a lea Tó ðæm ealdan lǽghrycge, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 437, 17
Cerdices leáh
Cerdic's ley ⬩ Cerdăci campus
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Cinric] fuhtan wið Bryttas on ðære stówe ðe is gecweden Cerdices leág [MS. Land ford] in this year Cerdic and Cynric fought against the Britons at the place which is called Cerdic's ley, Chr. 527; Th. 26, 30-33, col. 3
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A lea covered with brambles On bré-merleáh; of brérnerleá, C. D. iii. 80, 26
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a lea on which furze grows Be norðan fyrsleáge, swá of norðenwardre fyrsleáge, C. D. v. 232, 30
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a cleared lea (?) Tó Bedegáres styuicleáge (given as sþicleáge from another MS.), C. D. B. iii. 694, 10. Cf. stivecleiam, 638, 2, and see Philol. Soc. Trans. 1895-8, p. 541
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A flax-field On línleáge geat, and ðonne on línleáge middewearde, C. D. ii. 172, 14. On línleáge eástewearde, v. 207, 21
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Orcerdléh (mistakenly translates) pomerium, Hpt. 31, 11, 220
A meadow where willows grow
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A meadow where willows grow (a place-name) Ðis synt ða landgemǽro tó Wíðileá . . . Ðis is ðæra feówer hýda landbóc æt Wíðigleá, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 457, 13-23
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falsified,Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7;
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A field where a 'gemót' is held: — -Tó gemótleáge eástewearde, C. D. vi. 94, 10. In gemótleáge, v. 103, 29
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in Dict., and add Be þǽre nunfǽmnan þe bát þone leahtric, Gr. D. 30, 33