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  • verb [ strong ]
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hnítan, p. hnát, pl. hniton; pp. hniten
Wright's OE grammar
To strike, thrust, push, come against with a shock
Show examples
  • Ðonne hniton féðan

    in the shock of meeting hosts,

      Beo. Th. 2659; B. 1327: 5082; B. 2544.
  • Gif oxa hnite wer oððe wif

    si bos percusserit virum aut mulierem,

      Ex. 21, 28.
  • Ðonne ic hnítan sceal hearde wið heardum

    when I shall batter hard on the hard,

      Exon. 129 b; Th. 497, 21; Rä. 87, 4.
[Icel. hníta to strike, clash.]
Derived forms
DER. of-hnítan.
Linked entries
v.  ge-hnǽst hnátan.
Full form


  • hnítan, v.