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Wright's OE grammar
§133; §310; §311; §411; §560; §562;
Take here the passage given under ǽc and add: dat. ǽc (ác) ; pl. ǽc
Show examples
  • Aac robor, arbor (in the Corpus Glossary this is followed by 'robor, virtus, rubor color est,' ed. Hessels. p. 103: this may suggest an explanation for the earlier gloss aac


      Txts. 53, 535,
    which is copied in Wrt. Voc. ii. 14, 75), Txts. 93, 1749.
  • Ác, Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 28: quercus vel


      79, 73.
  • Iung ác


      32, 28.
  • Tó ðǽre gemearcodan ǽc,

      Cht. E. 355, 20.
  • On thá radeludan ác; of ðǽre radeludan ǽc,

      C. D. B. iii. 44, 21.
  • On ðǽ rúgan ǽc; of ðǽre ǽc . . . on ðá wón ác,

      319. 5-7.
  • Tó ðǽre mǽran ǽc; of ðǽre ǽc,

      C. D. iii. 78, 36.
  • On ðá sméðan ác; of ðǽre ǽc,

      79, 20.
  • On ðá greátan ác; of ðǽre ác,

      121, 22.
  • In fíf ácana weg; æfter ðám wege innon ðá fíf ǽcc; of ðám ácan,

      382, 19.
  • On ðá hálgan ǽc, vi. 233, 32.
  • On eahta ǽc,

      C. D. B. iii. 667, 33. v- mǽr-ác.
Full form


  • ác,