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  • verb [ weak ]
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tengan, p. de
Wright's OE grammar
To press, hasten, hurry, proceed with haste or violence
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  • Ðá tengde se Pharao æfter mid mycelre fyrde

    then Pharaoh hastened after with a great army,

      Homl. Th. i. 312, 3: ii. 194, 16.
  • Hé ðá þearle áblicged áweg tengde,

      182, 2.
  • Hé ontende ða burh and tencgde him forð syððan,

      Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 416.
  • Se cásere tengde tó ðam botle,

      Homl. Th. i. 430, 23.
  • Se fugol tó wuda tengde, ii. 162, 27.
  • Æt suman cyrre tengde hé tó fyrde ongeán Persiscne leódscipe

    on one occasion he was hastening to march against Persia,

      448, 32.
  • Tengdon ða hǽþenan mid wǽpnum tó ðam ǽwfæstum heápe, and slógan ða cristenan,

      Homl. Skt. ii. 28, 66.
  • Teng recene tó ðam fæstenne (

    haste thee, escape thither,

      Gen. 19, 22), Cd. Th. 152, 29; Gen. 2527.
  • Hié hæfdon gecweden ðæt hié ealle emlíce on Latine tengden

    they had agreed that they all in unbroken order would proceed to the attack of the Latins,

      Ors. 3, 6; Swt. 108, 9.
Similar entries
v. ge-tengan; ge-tenge.
Linked entries
v.  sam-tinges.
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  • tengan, v.