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BREGDAN, bredan, ic bregde, ðú bregdest, he bregdeþ, pl. bregdaþ; p. brægd pl. brugdon pp. brogden, bregden.
Wright's OE grammar
§54; §80; §106; §146; §163; §321; §502;
v. a.
To move to and fro, vibrate, cast, draw, drag, change, bend, weave; vibrare, vibrare gladium, jactare, stringere, trahere, nectere, plectere
Show examples
  • Git mundum brugdon

    ye vibrated with your hands,

      Beo. Th. 1033; B. 514.
  • Ðæt hie ne móste se synscaða bregdan

    that the sinful spoiler might not draw them,

      1419; B. 707: Exon. 42b; Th. 142, 23; Gú. 648.
  • Ic underbæc bregde nebbe

    I draw my face backwards,

      Exon. 130a; Th. 498, 6; Rä. 87, 8.
  • Bócstafa brego bregdeþ feónd be ðam feaxe

    the prince of letters shall draw the fiend by his hair,

      Salm. Kmbl. 200; Sal. 99.
  • Saga, hwá mec bregde of brimes fæðmum

    say, who drew me from the bosom of the ocean,

      Exon. 101a; Th. 382, 18; Rä. 3, 13.
  • Sǽ-rófe árum bregdaþ ýþbord [MS. yþborde] neáh

    brave seamen draw the vessel near with oars,

    79 a ;
      Th. 296, 26; Crä. 57.
  • Bræegd beadwe heard feorh-geníðlan

    the fierce warrior dragged the mortal foe,

      Beo. Th. 3082; B. 1539: 1593; B. 794.
  • Brugdon hæleþ of scǽðum sweord

    the warriors drew their swords from their sheaths,

      Cd. 93; Th. 120, 8; Gen. 1991: Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 38 ; Jud. 229.
  • Nǽfre hie ðæs sellíce bleóum bregdaþ

    let them never so strangely change with colours,

      Salm. Kmbl. 301; Sal. 150.
  • Bleóm bregdende

    changing in colours,

      Exon. 95b; Th. 357, 3; Pa. 23.
  • Sceal mǽg nealles inwitnet óðrum bregdan

    a kinsman should not weave a net of treachery for another,

      Beo. Th. 4341; B. 2167.
  • Ic gefrægn sunu Wihstánes beran brogdne beadu-sercean

    I heard that Wihstan's son bore his weaved war-sark,

      5503; B. 2755.
  • Ðǽr wæs on eorle brogden byrne

    there was on the man the woven mail-shirt,

      Elen. Kmbl. 513; El. 257: Exon. 64b; Th. 238, 11; Ph. 602.
  • Bregden feðrum

    woven with feathers,

      60a; Th. 219, 13; Ph. 306: Ps. Th. 138, 9.
v. n.
to turn into; se vertere in aliquid
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  • Hí brugdon on wyrmes bleó

    they turned into the hue of a worm,

      Exon. 46a; Th. 156, 30; Gú. 882.
[Wyc. R. Glouc. breide: Scot. brade: O. Sax. bregdan: O. Frs. brida: L. Ger. breiden: O. H. Ger. brettan: Icel. bregða.]
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v.  a-bregdan be-bregdan bredan bryidan brægdan bredan bredende brogdettung brogdian.
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  • BREGDAN, v.