Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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hlyn, hlynn, hlin, es; m.
Wright's OE grammar
A sound, noise, clamour, din
Show examples
  • Tó ðonðonne hit hát wǽre and mon ða earman men oninnan dón wolde hú se hlynn mǽst wǽre ðonne hie ðæt súsl ðǽron þrowiende wǽron

    ut cum inclusus ibidem subjectis ignibus torreretur, sonum vocis extortæ capacitas concavi aeris augeret,

      Ors. 1, 12; Swt. 54, 25.
  • Hlynn wearþ on ceastrum

    a great cry arose in the cities,

      Cd. 119; Th. 153, 30; Gen. 2546.
  • Hlyn scylda and sceafta

    the din of shields and shafts,

      95; Th. 124, 12; Gen. 2061.
  • Hlin. Exon. 101 a; Th. 381. 7; Rä. 2, 7.
  • Hearpan hlyn

    the sound of the harp,

    57 b;
      Th. 207, 1; Ph. 135: Cd. 52; Th. 66, 7; Gen. 1081: Beo. Th. 1227; B. 6, 11.
Derived forms
DER. ge-hlynn.
Full form


  • hlyn, n.