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  • adjective
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hneáw, adj.
Wright's OE grammar
§265; §437;
Stingy, near, niggardly
Show examples
  • Ðý læs se hneáwa and se gítsigenda fægnige ðæs ðætte menn wénen ðæt hé síe gehealdsum on ðæm ðe hé healdan scyle oððe dǽlan

    ne aut cor tenacia occupet, et parcum se videri in dispensationibus exultet,

      Past. 20; Swt. 149, 17.
  • Ic ðé hneáw ne wæs landes and lissa

    I was no niggard to thee of land and favours,

      Cd. 136; Th. 171, 5; Gen. 2823.
[Icel. hnöggr niggardly, stingy: Ger. ge-nau.]
Derived forms
DER. un-hneáw.
Full form


  • hneáw, adj.