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  • noun [ neuter ]
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HORD, es; n. m.
Wright's OE grammar
§106; §158; §244; §252; §279; §343;
HOARD, treasure
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  • Hord


      Wrt. Voc. 86, 47.
  • Ðá wæs óþboren beága hord

    then was borne off the hoard of rings,

      Beo. Th. 4557; B. 2284: 6015; B. 3011.
  • Hyrde ðæs hordes

    keeper of the hoard,

      Exon. 130 a; Th. 498, 7; Rä. 87, 9: Beo. Th. 1778; B. 887.
  • Ðæs ðe heáh hlioþe horde onféngon

    after the lofty hills had received the treasure [the ark ],

      Cd. 71; Th. 86, 32; Gen. 1439.
  • Hǽðnum horde,

      Beo. Th. 4438; B. 2216.
  • Hord eald enta geweorc,

      5540; B. 2773.
  • Ðæt hord,

      6244; B. 3126.
  • Hord under hrusan [

    the nails of the cross

    ], Elen. Kmbl. 2181; El. 1092.
  • Hí ealgodon hord and hámas

    they defended treasures and homes,

      Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 10; Æðelst. 10.
  • Hé ðæt fácen hafaþ in his heortan, hord unclǽne

    he hath that deceit in his heart, a hoard unclean,

      Frag. Recd. 11; Leás 6.
  • Hord, heortan geþohtas. Exon. 23 a; Th. 65,

      1; Cri. 1048: 23 b; Th. 65, 17; Cri. 1056.
  • Breósta hord,

      Th. 66, 17; Cri. 1074.
  • Breósta hord, gást

    the breast's treasure, the spirit,

      Cd. 79; Th. 97, 6; Gen. 1608.
  • His synna hord onténde

    he confessed his sins,

      Ps. C. 50, 28; Grn. ii. 277, 28: 151, 155; Grn. ii. 280, 151, 155.
  • Sáwle hord,

      Beo. Th. 4835; B. 2422.
  • Hordas, gerýne


    Mone B. 4216 (v. gold-hord).
[Laym. Orm. A. R. Chauc. hord: Goth. huzd; n: O. Sax. hord; n: Icel. hodd; n. ( but a late form hoddar; pl. occurs) in poetry only hoard, treasure: O. H. Ger. hort; n. thesaurus.]
Derived forms
DER. beáh-, bóc-, brand-, breóst-, feorh-, flǽsc-, gold-, greót-, líc-, máðm-, mód-, sáwl-, wamb-, word-, wyrm-hord.
Full form


  • HORD, n.