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sac-leás, adj.
Wright's OE grammar
free from charge or
accusation, innocent
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free from charge or
contention, unmolested, secure
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[Ðo þe hadden on þesse liue alle here sunnes forleten and bet . . . alle he quað hem saclese, O. E. Homl. ii. 171, 35. Wass Crist sacclæs o rode naȝȝedd, Orm. 1900. Sacles (without strife, freely) he let hin welden it so, Gen. and Ex. 916. Icel. sak-lauss innocent, not guilty. Sackless still remains in Northern dialects, but seems to have got a meaning, with which innocent also is used, that of silly, simple. v. Jamieson, Halliwell, and E. D. S. Publications.]
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  • sac-leás, adj.