Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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sice, es; m.
Wright's OE grammar
A sigh, groan; gemitus
Show examples
  • Ic mé on Godes helde bebeodewiðð ðane sára[n] sice, wið ðane sára[n] slege, wið ðane grymma[n] gryre... an wiþ eal ðæt láð ðe intó land fare,

      Lchdm. i. 388, 12.
[He weorp a sic a with þat sare were iwundet, Jul. 21, 12. He ne fecheð noht þe sore siches on neðerward his heorte, O. E. Homl. Ii. 83, 26. Mid seoruhfule sikes, A. R. 284, 3. Ðor sat his moder in sik and sor, Gen. and Ex. 1239. With a sik she seyde, Tr. and Cr. 3, 207. Amang his sobbes and his sikes sore, 4, 50.]
Full form


  • sice, n.