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  • conjunction
  • pronoun
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þætte, ( = þæt þe; v. se, IV. 3); pron.
Wright's OE grammar
§305; §560;
as a relative,
that, which
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  • Ðæt ðú hyra frumcyn ícan wolde, ꝥte æfter him cenned wurde,

      Cd. Th. 236, 9; Dan. 318 : 245, 32; Dan. 472.
  • Ðæt hé ne forleóse his dreámes blǽd and his dagena rím and his weorces wlite and wuldres leán, þætte heofones cyning syleþ tó sigorleánum,

      Exon. Th. 97, 11; Cri. 1589.
  • Metod fét eall ꝥte gróweþ,

      Met. 29, 70.
  • Ðætte tǽlwyrðes sié, ðæt hié ðæt tǽlen,

      Past. 28; Swt. 195, 24.
  • Wíslíce gé dyde, ꝥte mannum bedígled wæs on eorðan þæt gé þæt on heofenas sóhtan,

      Blickl. HomI. 201, 1.
combining antecedent and relative,
that which, what
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  • On hire wæs gefylled ꝥte on Cantica Canticorum wæs gesungen,

      Blickl. Homl. 11, 15.
  • Dó á þætte duge,

      Exon. Th. 300, 10; Fä. 4.
  • Wá ðæm ðe gemonigfealdaþ ðæte (ðætte,

      Cott. MSS.) his ne biþ, Past. 44; Swt. 329, 18.
Linked entries
v.  þæt.
Full form


  • þætte, con.; pronoun.