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  • verb [ weak ]
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þencan, p. þóhte (þohte?)
Wright's OE grammar
§5; §7; §40; §60; §117; §165; §231; §245; §289; §301; §309; §311; §326; §534; §539;
To think.
to meditate, cogitate, consider
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where the thought is the object of the verb,
to think, have in the mind
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to think, suppose, hold as an opinion or
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to think of, consider, employ the mind on a subject,
where the subject of thought is in the accusative
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where the subject of thought is in genitive
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where the subject of thought is governed by a preposition,
to think about, of, on a subject
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where the subject of thought is given in a clause introduced by an indirect interrogative
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where the construction is uncertain
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to look to with attention, turn the thoughts to
Þenc nú swíðe geornlíce tó ðam ðe ic ǽr sáde turn your thoughts very carefully to what I said before, Shrn. 177, 35. Ðǽm welwillendum is tó secganne, ðonne hié gesióð hiera geférena gód weorc, ðæt hié eác ðencen tó hint selfum dicendum est benevolis, ut, cum proximorum facta conspiciunt, ad suum cor redeant, Past. 34; Swt. 231, 11. Riht is ðæt munecas dæges and nihtes inweardre heortan á tó Gode þencan and geornlíce clypian it is right that monks day and night ever earnestly direct their thoughts to God and diligently cry to him,
    L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 3.
to look to with trust, expectation, expect of. Cf.
Ger. zu-denken
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where purpose or intention is implied, to turn the thoughts to action, to be bent upon something,
have an intention to do something
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to think of something, where it is implied that effect will be given to the thought,
to determine, devise, mean, purpose, intend,
with gen.
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followed by an infin., to think of doing something,
intend to do
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followed by a clause
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with an accus. to which a clause stands in apposition
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to think of doing something with hope or expectation,
to desire, seek
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to think, call to mind, originate in the mind
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[Goth. þag(g)kjan; p. þáhta to think, consider, consult, debate: O. Sax. thenkian; p. þáhta: O. L. Ger. thenkan; tháhta: O. Frs. thanka, thenkia; p. thógte: O. H. Ger. denchen; p. dáhta: Icel. þekkja; p. þátti to perceive, know.]
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  • þencan, v.