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  • noun [ masculine ]
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þorn, es; m.
Wright's OE grammar
§106; §278; §301; §395;
A thorn, the prickle of a plant or a plant on which such prickles grow
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  • Þorn spina, Wrt. Voc. i. 33, 44: 80, 22: tribulus, 33, 45:


      25, 70.
  • On ða þyrnan westeweardes, ðǽr se mycla þorn stód,

      Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 404, 13.
  • Tó hafucðornæ; of ðam þornæ on ðone brádan stán ... on hælnes þorn; of ðam þorne on ðone bróc, v. 348, 21.
  • On weocan þorn; of ðam þorne, vi. 92, 3.
  • Ðornas


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 28.
  • Þornas, i. 33, 41: 80, 19.
  • Hí wundon cynehelm of þornum

    plectentes coronam de spinis,

      Mt. Kmbl. 27, 29: Exon. Th. 88, 27; Cri. 1446.
  • Of ðæm hylle ðæt swá be ðǽm .IIII. þornan; of ðǽm þornan be ðǽm heáfdon,

      Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 263, 31.
  • Þornas and brémelas

    spinas et tribulos,

      Gen. 3, 18.
  • Sume feóllon on þornas; and ða þornas weóxon and forðrysmudon ða,

      Mt. Kmbl. 13, 7: Mk. 4, 7.
  • Swá ðú bærne þornas fýre

    sicut ignis in spinis,

      Ps. Th. 117, 12.
  • Átió hé of lande ða þornas and ða fyrsas and ðæt fearn and ealle ða weód ðe hé gesió ðæt ðám æcerum, derigen

    liberat arva fruticibus, falce rubos filicemque resecat,

    Bt. 23; Fox 78, 22: Met. 12, 3.
¶ The name of the letter þ was þorn
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  • Þ byþ þearle scearp,

      Runic pm. Kmbl. 339. 13; Rún. 3.
['The word is found in manylocal names. v. Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 341.]
Similar entries
v. appel-, brémel-, gemǽr-, hæg-, haga-, lús-, mǽr-, pól-, pric-, set-, sláh-, þífe-þorn, and following words.
Full form


  • þorn, n.