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  • noun [ feminine ]
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wǽdl, (v. P. B. viii. 535), e: wǽdle, an; f.
Wright's OE grammar
Poverty, want
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  • Wéðl


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 117, 2.
poverty, indigence, want, penury
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  • Þár þár word synd fela gelóme ys wǽdl (


      Scint. 78, 9: Dóm. L. 265: Wulfst. 139, 31.
  • Seó mennisce wǽdl, ðe nǽfre gefylled ne biþ wilnaþ ǽlce dæg hwæthweg ðises woruldwelan,

      Bt. 26, 2; Fox 94, 2.
  • Wéðel,

      Exon. Th. 238, 30; Ph. 212.
  • Of wǽdle weán

    de inopia,

      Ps. Th. 106, 40: Exon. Th. 201, 12; Ph. 55.
  • Þearfan ic lǽrde ðæt hié heora wǽdle gefeán hæfdon,

      Blickl. Homl. 185, 18.
  • Hí wilniaþ ða heafene ðysse gestreónfullan wǽdle,

      R. Ben. 136, 1.
  • Hié for wǽdle weorðen on murcunga, ðæt hié eft ongiennen giétsian for hiera wǽdle

    ad murmurationem proruunt, sed cogente se inopia usque ad avaritiam devolvuntur,

      Past. 45; Swt. 341, 2-4: Ps. Th. 87, 9.
  • Wǽre ðú on wǽdle, sealdest mé wilna geniht, Soul Kmbl. 284; Seel. 146.
  • Mid wǽdle and mid hénþe ofþrycte

    angustia rei familiaris inclusi,

      Bt. 11, 1; Fox 30, 33.
  • Ðæt hé hláfes ne gýme, gewende tó wǽdle and ða wiste wiðsæce (

    choose want as his portion and refuse the food

      Elen. Kmbl. 1230; El. 617.
  • Ðonne hié gefylden and gebéten ða wǽdle hiera hiéremonna

    dum subjectorum inopiam satiant,

      Past. 18; Swt. 137, 22: 44; Swt. 325, 11: Bt. 13; Fox 38, 32.
  • Ðú tilast wǽdle (


    ) tó fliónne,
      Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 7.
  • Ða hreósendan welan ne magon eówre wǽdle (


    ) eów fram ádón, ac gé écaþ eówre ermðe (wǽdle,
      Cott. MS.)
    mid ðam ðe hí eów tó cumaþ, 26, 2; Fox 94, 8-10.
  • Hé wilnaþ welan and flíhð ða wǽdle (


      33, 2; Fox 122, 33.
  • Ðe læs ðe þurh wǽdle and hæfenleáste ðære ǽfestnesse welm áwlacige,

      Lchdm. iii. 442, 19.
  • Wédle


      Kent. Gl. 316.
  • Ðǽr is wyrma slite and ealra wǽdla gripe, Wulfst. 114, 24. ¶ weak forms :-- Gé þeówiaþ eówrum feóndum and Drihten ásent hungor on eów and þurst and næcede and ǽlce wǽdlan

    servies inimico tuo, quem immittet tibi Dominus, in fame et siti et nuditate et omni penuria,

      Deut. 28, 48.
  • Man sceal gesceádlíce tósceádon ylde and geóguðe, welan and wǽdlan,

      L. Edg. C. 4; Th. ii. 262, 5.
  • I a. with gen. of that which is wanting :-- Wǽdl hláfes, Greg.
      Dial. 2, 21.
  • Hit tácnaþ nýtena wǽdla,

      Lchdm. iii. 180, 21.
unproductiveness, barrenness
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  • Cumaþ seofen swíðe wæstmbǽre geár and swíðe welige ... and ðǽræfter cumaþ óðre seofene mid swá micelre wǽdle (

    tantae sterililatis

    ) and hungre, ðæt man forgitt ða ǽrran geár,
      Gen. 41, 30.
  • Hé ðæs landes wæstmbǽrnesse ðara syfan geára sǽde, and ðara óþera syfan geára wǽdle (

    agrorum sterilitatem

      Ors. 1, 5; Swt. 34, 10.
[Al þat god of þisse londe we sculen leden mid us, and heo bilæuen wrecches, and wælde ( = wædle) heom seal fulien, Laym. 1002. O. H. Ger. wátalí egestas.]
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v.  wéðel.
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  • wǽdl, n.