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  • verb [ weak ]
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weorþian, wurþian, wyrþian; p. ode.
Wright's OE grammar
to set a value upon,
of money value
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in other cases,
to value, esteem, hold in honour, venerate
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to honour, shew honour to, treat with reverence or
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of honour shewn to a god,
to worship, adore
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of reverence shewn to sacred things,
to worship, adore
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of reverence shewn to holy persons or religious seasons,
to celebrate, commemorate,
of persons
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of seasons
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used intransitively,
to celebrate (a service)
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to honour in words,
speak in honour of, magnify, praise, celebrate, glorify
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to honour, pay respect to, heed, attend to (cf.
Icel. virða to give heed)
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to honour, bestow honour upon, grace
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where the subject is inferior to the object
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where the subject is not inferior to the object,
to grace, favour, honour by bestowing something
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to make worthy, to ennoble
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[God wurþian, O. E. Homl. i. 11, 26. Sunnedei wurþien, 45, 36. Wurðien (weorþi, 2nd MS.), Laym. 9510. To lofenn Godd and wurrþenn, Orm. 208. He wurðede ðe ton . . . ðe was wurði wurðed to ben, Gen. and Ex. 1010. Goth. wairþón to fix the value of: O. Sax. gi-werðón : O. H. Ger. werdón appretiare, venerari: Icel. virða to fix the value of.]
Similar entries
v. á-, ár-, ge-, mis-, un-weorþian.
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v.  a-wyrþian wyrþian.
Full form


  • weorþian, v.