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ymb-hweorfan, p. -hwearf.
Wright's OE grammar
to go round, revolve round
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  • Se roder ǽlce dæg úton ymbhwyrfð ealne ðisne middaneard,

      Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 214, 16.
  • Ymbhwyrfeþ,

      Met. 20, 137.
  • Ymbhwerfeþ,

      28, 4.
  • Hí ðære eaxe útan ymbhwerfaþ (-eþ,

      MS. ) ðone norðende, 28, 13.
to go about, in the neighbourhood of. v. ymb,
1 b
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  • Ic ymbehwyrfe weófod ðín

    circumdabo altare tuum,

      Ps. Lamb. 25, 6.
to go about, over, through, v. ymb,
1 e
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  • Ic ymbhweorfe ðín ðæt hálige tempel. Ps. Th. 26, 7.
  • Ymbhwurfaþ woegas

    circuite vias

      Rtl. 36, 5.
  • Gé ymbhurfon sǽ and drýgi

    circuitis mare et aridam,

      Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 15.
fig. to go about a business, be occupied with, attend to, cultivate, v.
3 d ; ymb-hwyrft,
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  • Hé underféng ða hálgan gesomnunga tó plantianne and tó ymbhweorfanne, suá se ceorl déð his ortgeard,

      Past. 40 ; Swt. 293, 3.
to turn round
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  • Ðú ðe on hrædum færelde ðone heofon ymbhweorfest

    qui rapido coelum turbine versas,

      Bt. 4 ; Fox 6, 31.
  • Ymbhwearfest,

      Met. 4, 4.
  • Ic eom ealne ðone heofon ymbhweorfende

    rotam volubili orbe versamus,

      Bt. 7, 3 ; Fox 20, 35.
Full form


  • ymb-hweorfan, v.