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  • noun [ masculine ]
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Wright's OE grammar
§5; §49; §86; §157; §169; §182; §326; §335;
a youth
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  • Scipia wæs cniht (


      Ors. 4, 10; S. 196, 12.
  • Ic eom cnioht (


      Past. 49, 7.
  • Hé his cnieht lǽrde: 'Sunu mín,' 287, 10.
  • Se drý wearþ fǽringa geong cniht and sóna eft eald man,

      Bl. H. 175, 3.
  • Hé þone cniht (

    Hæsten's son

    ) ágef and þæt wíf,
      Chr. 894; P. 86, 31.
  • Ðone cniht (Alcibiades se æðeling, 19) ðurhseón,

      Bt. 32, 2; F. 116, 23.
  • Cnihtas, geonglingas


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 12.
  • Ealle ðá cnihtas and ealle ðá mǽdena (the firstborn of Egypt), Ors. 1, 7; S. 38, 15. I a.

    an unmarried man.

    v. cniht-hád,
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  • Hit bið rihtlic líf þæt cniht þurhwunige on his cnihtháde, oð þæt he on rihtre ǽwe gewífige,

      Wlfst. 304, 20: Ll. Th. ii. 332, 28.
a servant, man, follower
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  • Cniht clitus vel


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 32.
  • Hit is niédðearf ðæt mon his hláford ondrǽde, and se cneoht his mágister,

      Past. 109, 13.
  • Karl þæs cincges cniht,

      Cht. Th. 312, 33.
  • Ic geann Wulfgáre mínan cnihte þæs landes,

      545, 28: 559, 10.
  • Ic geann Æðelwine mínon cnihte ðæs swurdes þe hé mé ǽr sealde,

      561, 20.
  • Ic gean Wulmǽre mínum cnihte landes for his gódra gearnunge,

      Cht. E. 238, 19.
  • Cnihta parasitorum, An. Ox. 4165. II a. a man engaged in military service, a soldier :-- Byrð se cniht his swurd

    portat miles gladium,

      Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 26.
  • Þú sylst árleásum cnihte (


    ) þæt þú nelt syllan sácerde,
      Scint. 109, 10.
  • Þá cnihtas (

    the two spies in Jericho

      Jos. 2, 14.
  • Wǽron innan þám castele Oda ƀs cnihtas,

      Chr. 1087; P. 224, 4.
  • Seofen hundred þes cynges cnihta,

      1094; P. 229, 17.
  • Sume of ðám cnihtan, 1083; P. 215, 9. II b. a disciple, scholar. v. leorning-cniht :-- Se hǽþena scop and his cniht

    historicus ejusque breviator,

      Ors. 1, 5; S. 32, 28.
  • Paulus manode his cneoht (


      Past. 97, 12.
  • Cniht,

      169, 16.
a soldier of rank, a knight
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  • Ealle þá ríce men, arcebiscopas, and leódb̃s, abbodas and eorlas, þegnas and cnihtas,

      Chr. 1086; P. 220, 2.
  • Swíðe góde cnihtas, Eustatius þe iunga, and Rógeres eorles þreó sunan, and ealle þá betstboren men þe wǽron innan þisan lande,

      1087; P. 224, 28. v.
    búr-, ceáp-, cípe-, hel-, heorþ-, híréd-, hors-cniht.
Full form


  • cniht, n.