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Wright's OE grammar
Add: Each of two.
used substantively.
each of two objects
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  • Gesíðcund man . . . ceorlisc man . . . gehwæðer ꝥ hǽmed forlǽte,

      Ll. Th. i. 38, 7.
each of two circumstances, conditions, &c.
the circumstances already stated
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  • Ne meahte seó weáláf wíge forstandan gestrión; sealdon unwillum éðel-weardas áðas. Wæs gehwæðeres wá,

      Met. l, 25.
the circumstances following
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  • Him wæs gehwseðres wá, ge . . . ge . . . ,

      El. 628.
  • Dó þonne gehwæþer, ge on ðá wunde lege, and eác drinc swýþe þearle,

      Lch. i. 78, 9.
governing a genitive
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  • An wíg gearwe ge æt hám ge on herge, ge gehwæðer þára efne swylce mǽla swylce hira mandryhtne þearf gesǽlde,

      B. 1248.
  • Ic gemyndige þá mǽran Raab and Babilonis, bégea gehwæðeres

    memor era Rahab et Babylonis

      Ps. Th. 86, 2.
  • Hé sealde hiora gehwæðrum,

      B. 2994.
used reciprocally
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  • Hygeláce wæs nefa hold, and gehwæðer óðrum hróðra gemyndig, B. 2171. ¶

    passing into a conjunction

    , v. ǽgþer :-- Seó wyrt deáh gehwæþer ge þæs mannes sáwle ge his líchonman.
      Lch. i. 70, 3.
  • Gehweþer ge his ágen geweorc ge on his naman gehálgod,

      Bl. H. 197, 6.
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  • Gehwæðeres


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 58.
  • Æt gehweðerum múðe,

      Ll. Th. i. 96, II.
  • Wearþ micel wælsliht on gehwæþere bond

      , Chr. 871; P. 72, 2 : By. 112.
in each case. Cf. I. ¶
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  • Þǽre eorðan on nánre ne mót se rodor neár þonne on óðre stówe gestæppan, stríceð ymbútan ufane and neoðane efenneáh gehwæðer (

    equally near both above and below

    ; cf. se rodor is þǽre eorþan emneáh ge ufan ge neobon,
      Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 23), Met. 20, 141.
[O. H. Ger. ge-hwedar uterque.]
Linked entries
v.  hwæþer.
Full form


  • ge-hwæþer,