- Gif man in mannes tún ǽrest geirneð, .vi. scillingum gebéte ; sé þe æfter irneð .iiii. scillingas; sibban gehwylc scilling. Ll. Th. i. 6, 17.
- 16, 4.
Æt þám feówer tóðum fyrestum, æt gehwylcum .vi. scillingas,
- 16, 2.
Hió forlét sécan gehwylcne ágenne eard,
- El. 598.
Sete tácn on gehwilcne wǽpnedcynnes,
- Gen. 2311.
Gif hit sié binnan wǽdum, gehwilc .xx. scætta gebéte,
- 18, 5 : 14, 13.
- (aa) as antecedent
Hé héht þæt segn wegan gehwilcne þe his hína wæs wǽpnedcynnes,
- Gen. 2371.
Ánum gehwilcum is hǽl gehendre,
- Hml. Th. i. 602, 21.
- God ǽnne gehwilcne þurh his Gást geneósað, ii. 316, II.
Ánra gehwelc wénde,
- Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 35.
Þæt ánra gehwylc cræft his begange
ut unusquisque artem suam exerceat
,- Coll. M. 31, 31.
- Underféð ánra gehwilc be ðám ðe hé geearnode. Hml. Th. i. 602, 28.
- Bl. H. II, 18 : 107, 12.
Þæt hé gedǽlde ánra gehwylces líf wið líce,
- B. 732.
For ánra gehwylcum onsundrum, Seel. 97. (c I) with a noun in agreement with ánra :-- ꝥ ánra manna gehwylc sceáwige hine sylfne, Bl. H. 57, 33 Ánra manna gehwylcne ic myngie, 107, 10. (c 2) with a genitive governed by
anra gehwilc
:-- Ánra gehwylc þára apostola biþ geseted tó his synderlicre stówe,- Bl. H. 143, 22.
Sceal úre ánra gehwylc beran his dǽda,
- 63, 29 : Sal. 355.
Ánra gehwilcum ymbstandendra folces Sodoma,
- Gen. 2488.
Þá frægn ic ánra gehwylcne heora
interrogavi unumquem-que eorum
,- Bd. 4, 5 ; Sch. 375, 8. ¶ as antecedent :--
Þára gehwelc wé willað sié twybóte,
- Ll. Th. i. 64, 24 : Rä. 71, 5.
Hwider hyra gehwylc faran scolde,
- Bl. H. 229, 5.
Gehwylc hiora
each of the two
,- B. 1166.
Þe firina gehwilc ábúgeð,
- Cri. 56.
- Monna gehwylc geceósan mót, 589.
Wana wilna gehwilces,
- Gen. 2272.
Benumen leáfa gehwelces,
- Met. 4, 24.
Æfter ýsta gehwelcre (cf. æfter eallum þám ýstum,
- Bt. 34, 8 ; F. 144, 28), 21, 15.
Áscyred scylda gehwylcre,
- El. 1313.
Hé wæs witena gehwelcum (cf. ǽlcum witum,
- Bt. 28; F. 100, 27) láð, Met. 15, 5.
Þæt man lǽte manna gehwylcne, ge earmne ge eádigue, folcrihtes wyrðe,
- Ll. Th. i. 316, 27.
Hé démeð leán þeóda gehwylcre,
- Cri. 848 : B. 805.
Nihta gehwylce,
- Ps. Th. 104, 34.
Daga gehwylce,
- Bl. H. 59, 26 : Kr. 136 : B. 2450: Sal. 551.
- Met. 13, 21.
- Gehwilce, l, 54: Gen. 848.
- Þinga gehwylce. Hy. 4, 12.
Nihta gehwylcere, Ps. Th. 133, 3. (d l) with
qualifying gen. pl. :-- Þǽr habbað heó on ǽfyn . . . , ealra feónda gehwilc, fýr edneówe.- Gen. 314.
Alra tácna gehwylc,
- El. 645.
Ymb ealra landa gehwylc,
- Gn. C. 46. (d 2) with gen.
Monna gehwilc þǽre cneórisse,
- Gen. 2317.
Wihta gehwilce deóra and fugla deáðlég nimeð,
- Cri. 982.
- (d 3) as antecedent
Monna gehwilc þe wið his waldend winnan ongynneð,
- Gen. 297.
Secgan Dryhtne þonc duguða gehwylcre þe ús simle gefremede,
- Cri. 601.
- Þæt is heálic rǽd monna gehwylcum þe gemynd hafað, 431.
Secga gehwylcum þára þe on swylc starað,
- B. 996 : An. 1154.
- Þǽr is ár gelang fira gehwylcum þám þe hié findan cann, 982.
Dóma gehwilcne þára þe him Drihten bebeád, Exod. 520. ¶ with verb in plural :-- Mín éhtan ongunnon ealdurmonna gehwylc
principes persecuti sunt me
,- Ps. Th. 118, 161.
Swá hér manna gehwylc Metode gecwémað, Hy. 10, 58. (dd)
every kind
of :-- Open éce scræf yfela gehwylces,- Exod. 537.
Torn þolode wine Scyldinga, weána gehwelcne,
- B. 148.
Sǽda gehwilc on bearm scipes beornas feredon,
- Exod. 374.
Þæt gehwilc sprǽc hæbbe ándagan,
- Ll. Th. i. 158, 7.
Ðæt mód gehwelces monnes,
- Past. 255, 15.
Gehwylces hádes men,
- Bl. H. 47, 34.
Wiðer-weardnes wuhte gehwelcre,
- Met. ii. 78.
Tó gehwylcere byrig,
- Ll. Th. i. 194, 3.
Gif man þeóh þurhstingð, stice gehwilce .vi. scillingas,
- 18, 16.
Unfácne feó gehwilce
with sterling money all of it
,- 10, 5.
- Ge-hwilce morgene. Lch. ii. 108, 2.
Æt þám neglum gehwylcum scilling,
- Ll. Th. i. 16, 14.
On gehwylcum heora mǽgðum
in suis quique prouin-ciis,
- Bd. pref. ; Sch. 6, 4.
On gehwylcum burgum blissoden þá Crísten-an,
- Hml. S. 2, 278.
Of gehwilcum stówum wýdan and sýdan gegaderod,
- C. D. B. ii. 389, 22.
Geond gehwylce weras
- Ælfc. Gr. Z. 232, 17.
Gehwylce wǽpenleáse inermes quosque, i.
,- An. Ox. 724.
- (aa) as antecedent
Ðás leásan spell lǽraþ gehwelcne man þára þe wilnaþ helle þióstra tó fliónne,
- Bt. 35, 6; F. 170, 16.
Wið gehwylce yfelu þe on þám innoðe dereð,
- Lch. i. 280, 18.
Gehwilc óðer tilð,
- Angl. ix. 259, 12.
Ánes gehwylces mannes dǽda,
- Wlfst. 244, 21.
Ánes gehwylces geleáffulles mannes mód,
- Hml. Th. i. 412, 24.
Ánum gehwilcum gelýfedum men wæs Crístes tó-cyme ǽgðer ge hryre ge ǽrist,
- 144, 26.
- Tó ánum gehwylcum menn, ii. 76, 13.
- Gehwilce ǽnlípige on heora burgum be him sylfum cendon, i. 34, 4: ii. 124, 9.
Æt þám óðrum táum gehwilcum healf gelde . . . æt þám óðrum gehwilcum,
- Ll. Th. i. 20, 3, 6.
Of syndrigum gehwyl-cum cyricum (cyriceum gehwylcum,
v. l.) ex singulis quibusque ecclesiis
,- Bd. l, 27; Sch. 65, 15.
Syndrige stówe gehwylce
singula quaeque loca
,- 5, II; Sch. 607, 4.
Ðeáh ðe ánra gehwylc gást hæbbe synderlíce .xii. feðerhoman, and ánra gehwylc feðer-homa hæbbe .xii. windas, and ánra gehwilc wind twelf sigefæstnissa,
- Sal. K. 152, 1-3.
Folc ánra gehwylc,
- Cri. 1026.
Æt mǽstra gehwilcere misdǽde, Ll. Th. i. 58, 6. ¶
of every kind
:-- Be gehwelces ceápes ángelde.- Ll. Th. i. 138, 9.
Hé sceal beón, swá ic ǽr be beócere cwæð (beóceorl sceal geara beón on manegum weorcum, 3), oftrǽde tó gehwilcon weorce,
- Ll. Th. i. 436, 18.
Wǽron hyra tungan getale teónan gehwylcre,
- Ps. Th. 56, 5.
Hwí God geðafian wolde þæt þá hǽðenan his hálgan mid gehwilcum tintregum ácwellan móston,
- Hml. Th. i. 566, 30.
On ðǽre stówe beóð gehǽlede gehwilce untrume,
- Hml. S. 4, 125.
- Se Hǽlend sǽde gelómlíce bigspel be gehwilcum ðingum. ii. 562, II.
Ðá gehýrdon gehwilce on lífe hálige englas singan on his forðsíðe,
- Hml, Th. ii. 518, 8.
Cwǽdon gehwylce láreówas þæt . . . ,
- Hml. Th. i. 440, 21: 468, 5.
Gehwylce góde mæn (
boni quique
), ús wǽron wiðtogone,- Gr. D. 256, 21.
Þá hugon gehwylce æðelborene menn tó Maures mynstre . . . oð ꝥ þǽr gadorod wæs hund-teóntig muneca and feówertig ealles,
- Hml. S. 6, 260.
Nú smeádon gehwilce men oft, and gyt gelóme smeágað,
- Hml. Th. ii. 268, 7.
Ge-hwilce geleáffulle ðe Gode gecwémað,
- 556, 5.
Gehwilce strongeste
fortis-simi quique
,- Kent. Gl. 224.
Hé sǽde his gesihðe Ælfride and gehwilcum eáwfæstum mannum (cf. quae uiderat idem uir . . . referre uolebat illis solunmiodo, qui . . . profectum pietatis ex eius uerbis haurire uolebant,
- Bd. 5, 12 ; Sch. 630), Hml. Th. ii. 350, 3.
Ácsode hé hine be gehwilc-um þingum
he asked him about several things
,- Guth. 80, II.
On ðyssere geférrǽdene wǽron Petrus and Ióhannes . . . , and ; ehwilce óðre . . . Eal seó menigu wæs án hund manna and twéntig,
- Hml. Th. i. 296, 16: 38, 10: Hml. S. 29, 92 : Ælfc. Gr. Z. 293, 16.
Dún-stán . . . and Aþelwold, and óðre gehwylce, 21, 459 : Hml. A. 22, 211. (bb)
of some (other) kind
:-- Fleán and óðre gehwilce wyrrnas,- Hex. 24, 31.
Gehwylce gebróðra . . ne beóð swá carfulle . . . and gehwilce óðre beóð mid sárnysse onbryrde,
- Hml. Th. i. 340, 23-28.
Þonne gehwilce synfulle menn óðre heora gelícan . . . geólǽcað,
- Hml. Th. i. 494, 2.
Gifhrýðera gehwylc (hwelc,
v. l.
) sié þe hegas brece,- Ll. Th. i. 128, 12.
Gif mínra geréfena hwylc (gehwylce,
v. l.
) þis dón nylle,- 212, 27.
Þonne ꝥ mód byð tódǽled tó manegum þingum, þonne byð hit þe lǽsse tó gehwilc-um ánum synderlicum þinge: and swá mycele swýðor hit byð under-cropen on gehwilcum ánum þinge, swá micele swá hit byð wíddor ábys-god on manegum þingum
cum animus dividitur ad multa, fit minor ad singula: tantoque ei in una qualibet re subripitur quanto latius in multis occupatur
,- Gr. D. 41, 9-17.
Bosworth, Joseph. “ge-hwilc.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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