Þá hálwendan men and þá geleáfsuman þá þe tó úrum Drihtne cóman þá hé tó heofonum ástígan wolde, Bl. H. 117, 9. ¶ tó geleáfsuman so as to produce belief :-- Uneáðe mæg mon tó geleáfsuman gesecgan swá monigfeald yfel
in tanta malorum multitudine difficillima dicta fides,
- Ors. 3, 9; S. 128, 20.
Cymð se lytega sǽtere and áteleð him eall ðæt hé ǽr tó góde gedyde, and geræcð him ðonne tó geleáfsuman (
tells him and gets him to believe
) ðæt hé sié se gesǽlgosta on eallum cræftum,- Past. 463, 13.
Bosworth, Joseph. “ge-leáfsum.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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