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Wright's OE grammar
§97; §286; §574;
Add: ge-síþe [?; pl. ge-síþþas (v. Gen. 2067 : 1908), a ja-stem with long root-syllable treated as if the syllable were short ? For the stem cf. Goth. ga-sinþjam, d. pl., O.Sax. te gisíðea (also te gisíða).]
one who goes with another (v. síþ),
a companion
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  • Swá swá hé wǽre gesið (comes) lícumlicre gegaderunge. Bd. 2, 9; Sch. 145, 9. I a.

    a comrade in arms

    :-- Stópon secgas and gesíðas,
      Jud. 201.
an attendant
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  • (St. Martin) wæs betǽht tó þám gewinne mid ánum his þeówan þe his gesíðe (gesíða, v.l. )

    wæs (cf. Ǽnne cniht hé hæfde tó his ðénungum forð,
      Hml. Th. ii. 500, 8), Hml. S. 31. 37.
a follower, retainer of a great man, king, &c.
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  • Geneátum, gesíþum (printed -soþum)


    (cf. parasitis, ministris (=
      Ald. 53, 12), 83, 50), Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 62.
  • Higelác þǽr æt hám wunade selfa mid gesíðum,

      B. 1924.
  • Dióre gecépte drihten Créca Troia burh tilum gesíðum,

      Met. 26, 20.
  • Gegrétte Beówulf hindeman siáe swǽse gesíðas,

      B. 2578. ¶
    where the prince is not of this world :-- Þegnas heredon Fæder frumsceafta; hé him þæs, leófum gesíðum, leán æfter geaf, Cri. 453.
  • Hé (Lucifer) cwæð þæt hé mid his gesíðum wolde hýðan heofona ríce, Sal. 453. III a. a person of rank, one considerable from his connexion with a prince, from an official position :-- Wæs sumes gesíðes

    (comitis cuiusdam)

    tún nóht feor úrum mynstre,
      Bd. 5, 4; Sch. 567, 8.
  • Gesíðas


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 17.
a person in an official position:
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  • Sisinnius se gesíð

    (comes Sisinnius,

      Aid. 67, 8), Shrn. 69, 32.
  • Se hǽðna Ægypta gesíð,

      84, 26.
  • Gesiðas


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 21.
[O.H.Ger. ge-sint come s.]
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Full form


  • ge-síþ,