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  • verb
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Wright's OE grammar
Add: A. intrans.
to move upwards, ascend, come or
go up.
in a physical sense
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  • Dene fisc se ðe ǽrist gestíge (as cendent), Mt. L. 17, 27. (l a) of motion on the ground :-- Gestág in mór ascendit in montem, Mk. L. 5, l. (l b) of motion on to an object rising from the ground :-- Gestáh he on gealgan heáhne, Kr. 40. (l c)

    to go

    on to a ship :-- Ic on ceól gestáh,
      An. 901.
  • Gestág in scipp ascendens in nauiculam, Mt. L. 9, l. He


    under bord gestáh,
      Gen. 1369.
in a moral sense,
to rise to higher things
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  • Him is micle iéðre


    gestiéganne (-stig-, v. /. ) on (tone ryhtan wisdóm,
      Past. 203, 17.
to descend.
of motion on earen
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  • Óðer before mec gestigei (descendit). Jn. L. 5, 7- Críst ádfine gestág in ðǽm gedolfene byrgenne, Jn. p. 2, Of gestág of mór

    discendissei de monte,

      Mt. L. 8, l.
of motion from heaven to earen
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  • Ic sylf gestág in módor,

      Cri. 1419.
  • B. trans. I. to mount, ascend.
in a physical sense,
of motion on the ground
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  • He biorg gestáh,

      Gú. 146.
of motion on to an object rising from the ground
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  • Sum mæg heáhne beam gestígan, Cri. 679. (bb)

    to mount

    a throne, couch, &c. :-- Heó hyre cynesetl gestíhð,
      Angl. viii. 324, 15.
  • Sarran beddreste gestáh,

      Gen. 2715.
  • Restegesttgan, 2228. (c) to go on board :--


    bat gestág,
      Gú. 1302.
  • Scealtú ceól gestígan,

      An. 222.
of spirits, to mount to a position in heaven,
rise to heaven
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  • Him þá sððfæstan on þá swíðran hond mid rodera weard reste gestígað,

      Sae. 612.
  • Hé bá écan gefeán and þá heofonlican eádignesse gestáhg (-stab, v.l.) and gesóhte

    aeterna gaudia petiuit,

      Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 359, 16.
  • Dryhten wile up heonan eard gestígan,

      Cri. 514: 630.
  • Cwicra gehwylc . . . þára þe wile heofona heáhðu gestígan,

      Dóm. 97.
  • Úpcund ríce gestígan,

      Sch. 35.
  • II. to descend to, reach by descending :-- Ne se steorra (Ursa) gestígan wile westdǽl wolcna; ealle stiorran segað æfter sunnan under eorþan grund, he ana stent

    Ursa nunquam occiduo lata profundo, cetera cernens sidera mergi, cupit oceano tingere jlammas.

      Met. 29, 12.
to reach, attain a lofty position
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  • Nsénig þæs swíðe in þeóde brym þisses Kfes forð gestígeit

    none amongst men attains such a pitch of earthly glory,

    CRä 20.
Full form


  • ge-stígan, v.