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Wright's OE grammar
§111; §315; §395;
the bottom, the lowest part of anything.
of the sea
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  • On deópum, niwellicum grunde sǽwe

    in fundo profundo maris,

      An. Ox. 1942.
the furthest point reached by the root
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  • Gif ðú áwyrtwalast of ðínum móde ðá leásan gesǽlþa and þá of átíhst oð ðone grund,

      Bt. 23; F. 80, 1.
  • Hé hét áceorfan on grund heom heora tungan of

    eorum linguas abscidi radicitus fecit,

      Gr. D. 240, 19.
the solid bottom or earth underlying the sea or other water
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  • Þaet seó sǽ seofan dagas drígne grund þám folce gegearcige,

      Hml. Th. i. 564, 24.
  • Þá scipu tóscuton and hé ðone grund (

    the bottom of the river

    ) gesóhte mid horse mid ealle, ii.
      304, 28.
a deep place, abyss
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  • Grund

    profundum (ne absorbeat me profundum ),

      Bl. Gl.
    Áworpen tó sǽs grunde, Past. 31, 18.
  • Grundas


      Kent. Gl. 262.
the solid base or foundation on which a structure is raised
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  • Ðý mon sceal fæsðne weal wyrcean, ðý mon áer geháwige ðæt se grund fæsð sié, ðǽr mon ðone grundweall on lecgge,

      Past. 308, 3.
  • Staþolas ł grundweallas ł grundas munta

    fundamenta montium,

      Ps. L. 17, 8.
the surface of the earth
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  • Mon tówearp þone weal niþer oþ þone grund

    muros everti aequarique solo imperavit,

      Ors. 5, 11; S. 238, 13.
the earth as contrasted
with heaven
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  • Wé men cweðað hér on grunde,

      Hy. 9, 39.
with sea
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  • Þone þe grund and sund, heofon and eorðan and hreó wǽgas ámearcode,

      An. 747.
a land, country
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  • Hweorfað gleómen geond grunda fela, Víd. 136. VII a.

    a portion of cultivated land

    :-- Se God sé þás grundas geworhte geunne ús grówende gife ꝥ ús corna gehwylc cume tó nytte,
      Lch. i. 404, ii. v. eár-grung, eormen-grund, hell-grund.
Full form


  • grund,