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Wright's OE grammar
§298; §387;
a failure of duty, a sin, crime, an offence
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  • Getriówe bediólað gelt

    (qui) fidelis (est animi) celat (amici) commissum

      11. 13), Kent. Gl. 362.
  • Gereónedes gyltes

    concinnati sceleris i. culpe,

      An. Ox. 2919.
  • Gylte


      Ex. 32, 35.
  • Gylt


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 50.
  • Mánfulne gylt

    probrosum facinus, i. peccatum,

      An. Ox. 2784.
  • Eówerne gylt þé gé worhtou, þæt wæs þæt cealf

    peccatum vestrum, quod feceratis, id est vitulum,

      Deut. 9, 21.
  • Hé heánlíce hámweard oðfleáh . . . þá bæd his fæder þæt þá senatum forgeáfen þǽm suna þone gylt

    (pater. . . ignominiam filii deprecatus),

      Ors. 3, 10; S. 140, 16.
  • Gif ǽnig man óðerne wrége and him hwilcne gilt on secge

    (accusans eum praevaricationis),

      Deut. 19, 16.
  • Gif hwilc preóst ágilte . . . hé þone gilt gebéte,

      Ll. Th. ii. 290, 19.
  • Gyltum gehrodene,

      Wal. 74.
a debt
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  • Eallne þínne gylt


    ic þé forgeaf,
      Mt. 18, 32.
  • Borh-hande for geltum vades pro debitis, Kent. Gl. 849. II a.

    a penalty, payment on account of crime,

      Cht. Th. 423, 3 (v. Dict. ).
responsibility for an offence, a (person's) fault,
    Chr. 1048; P. 173, 11. (v. Dict. )
desert of a penalty; baton gylte
without having done anything to deserve one's fate,
    Chr. 1055; P. 184, 27 (v. Dict. ).
state of being guilty, criminality, culpability
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  • Hé gecnáwan mæg hwæt tǽlwierðe bið, and suáðeáh . . . forwandaí ðæt hé béte and ðreáge his hiéremenn be ðæs gyltes andefne

    quae reprehendenda sunt cognoscit, sed tamen . . . digtiis ea increpationibus non emendat,

      Past. 195, 10.
  • Gif hé þæs wilniaþ ꝥ him hiora yfel unwrecen sié be þaes gyltes andefne,

      Bt. 38, 7 ; F. 210, 8.
  • Sceal ǽghwylc man bétan his wðhdǽda be his gyltes andefne,

      Bl. H. 45, 29.
Similar entries
v. ǽ-gylt, heáfod-gylt.
Full form


  • gylt,