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hǽl, health.
Wright's OE grammar
§393; §419;
sound physical condition
of a person
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  • Him sió hæl losað

    solus carports amissa,

      Fast. 249, 6.
  • Þeáh ðe him (

    the old man

    ) ádl on ne sitte, þeáh oft his hǽl him bið ádl,
      Hml. Th. i. 614, 16.
  • Hyt tó hǽle gelǽdeð,

      Lch. i. 114, 21.
  • Þǽre ǽrran hǽle

    incohmitati pristine,

      An. Ox. 4866.
  • Twégen líchaman on þá ǽran hǽle

    gemina cadauera in pristinum uite statum (restituit),

  • Tóscádan welan and wǽdle, hǽle and unhǽle,

      Ll. Th. i. 328, 20.
  • Suá hwá suá hæfð fulle hiéle his líchoman

    (valetudinem corporis),

      Past. 251, 3.
  • Nis nánum crístenum menn álýfed bæt hé his hǽle gefecce æt nánum stáne,

      Hml. Th. i. 474, 30.
of a person's health
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  • Þǽre ǽran hǽle

    incolomitati pristine (ualetudinem reítitwit

      An. Ox. 4354.
healing, care
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  • Hyt ꝥ sár gelíþegað and þá hǽle gegearwað

    (effects the cure),

      Lch. i. 122, 9. II a. with gen.
of person
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  • 'Gehǽle ðe Críst' . . .Þá gelýfde seó burhwaru þurh þæs bæddrydan hǽle,

      Hml. S. 10, 50.
of disease
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  • JJú scealt underfón ftínra wunda hǽle,

      7, 276.
welfare, well-being, prosperity
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  • On ðé ys eall úre hǽl,

      Ps. Th. 3, 7.
  • Hé þæs hǽl gehleát,

      105, 24.
  • ¶ in form of salutation :-- Hé þám cásere hǽle bodade, Lch. i. 326, 2.
  • Hǽle Gode (hǽletode,

      Hpt. Gl. 467, 32) dré[mende

    osanna persultans,

      An. Ox. 2607.
  • Ill a.

    a means to produce well-being

    :-- Þissere worulde hǽl is ꝥ heó witan hæbbe, and swá má witena beóð swá hit bet færð,
      Hml. S. 13, 128.
  • Nýd weorieð oft . . . tó hǽle niða bearnum,

      Run. 10.
mental or spiritual health or
healing, salvation
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  • Tódæg is ðisum hírede hǽl gefremmed . . . Ic cóm tó gehǽlenne þæt þe on mancynne losode,

      Hml. Th. i. 582, 5.
  • Þú fulneáh mid ealle forwurde . . . Wé habbað nú þone mǽstan dǽl þǽre tyndran þínre hǽle

    (habemus maximum tuae fomitem salutis

      Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 14, 10.
  • Hǽle (hǽles,

      L. , hǽlo, R. ), Lk. l, 77.
  • Sáwlum tó hǽle and fis sylfum tó þearfe,

      Ll. Th. i. 358, 14: Hy. 6, 16.
  • Tó hǽle and tó rǽde,

      Bl. H. 227, 4.
  • Oncnáwan hwá him tó hǽle and tó helpe and tó feorhnere on þás world ástág,

      105, 32.
  • Hé wolde þrowian for ealra manna hǽle and ús gefreólsian from deófles þeówdóme,

      65, 33 : 73, 7 : 129, 14.
  • Þæt þú hire cn hǽle gestóde

    that you would be her salvation,

      Ps. Ben. 34, 3.
  • Þæt mín mód næbbe náne hǽle æt his Gode, Ps. Th. 3, Þíne hǽle ic sǽde

    salutare tuum dixi,

      39, 10.
  • Þá wæs geworden werude Iúdea þæt heó hǽl gehlutan háliges

    facto est ludaea sanctificatio ejus,

      113, 2. v. múp hǽl.
Full form


  • hǽl,