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Wright's OE grammar
cry, clamour
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  • Hwæt gemǽnð ꝥ word: 'Þára Sodomotiscra hreám (

    clamor) ástáh úp tó heofenum.' Seó syn bið mid stemne (voce) þonne se gylt bið on dǽde; and seó syn bið mid hreáme (clamore )

    þonne se man syngað freólíce bútan ǽlcere sceame swylce hé his yfel óþrum mannum bodige,
      Angl. vii. 46, 446-452: Gen. 18, 20-21.
  • Þá wearð hreám áhafen . . . wæs on eorðan cirm, By. 106. I a. where the voice is raised under the influence of strong emotion (pain, terror, anger, &c.),

    a cry

    of pain, &c. :-- Mid Dryhten dreám, mid deóflum hreám,
      Cri. 594.
  • Þæt folc fleáh áfirht for heora hreáme

    omnis Israel fugit ad clamorem pereuntium,

      Num. 16, 34: Hml. S. 13, 229.
  • Se sceocca sóna fordwán mid swíðlicum reáme, swá ꝥ ðá munecas micclum áfyrhte wurdon áwrehte,

      6, 316.
  • Ic geseah mínes folces geswinc, and heora hreám (


    ) ic gehýrde,
      Hml. Th. ii. 192, 5.
  • Heó ongan swá fela stefnum and hreámum (

    tot vocibus clamoribusque

    ) hlýdan, swá fela swá heó mid áwyrgedum gástum wæs geþreád,
      Gr. D. 74, 4.
where the cry (proclaiming, appealing, &c.) consists of articulate words
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  • On middre nihte wæs mycel hreám geworden (man hrýmde and cwæð

    clamor factus est,

      Mt. 25, 6): 'Nú cymð se brýdguma,' Angl. viii. 307, 13.
  • Ic offrode onsægdnesse hreámes ł stefne lofes

    immolaui hostiam uociferationis,

      Ps. L. 26, 6.
  • Gif wé þurhwuniað on úrum gebedum, þonne mage wé gedón mid úrum hreáme þæt se Hǽlend stent,

      Hml. Th. i. 156, 26.
  • Þeáh ðe hé mid hreáme ðæs bǽde, ii. 500, 21.
  • Heó mid hreáme clypode: 'Mǽre is se god . . .,' Hml. S. 22, 116.
[v. N. E. D. ream.]
Full form


  • hreám,