Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculinefeminine ]
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íg, [Besides íg there seems to be a form íge; m. e. g. on Meldaníge eástewerdne, C. D. v. 303, 2. Of eallum Lindesíge (v. Lindes), Bd. 3, 11; Sch. 237, 10. In insula quae dicitur Seolesíge, C. D. v. 41, 27: 52, 10. Moreover there are instances of íg in the accusative, e. g. Wið-westan hunddes-íg (cf. tó hu[u]ddes-íge, 5), C. D. v. 298, 7. On swannes-íg, vi. 108, I : such forms seem to belong neither to íg; f. nor to íge; m., jó-, ja- stems respectively.]
Wright's OE grammar
The word occurs in place-names Locum qui apud Anglos nuncupatur Ceroteég, id est Cirotis insula,C. D. ii. 122, 27. Hengestes-íg, v. 401, 26. On Beferíge; ðonne on Fyrsíge, 300, 17. On meldaníge . . . tó Ceólesíge, 303, 2-3. Ðis sind ðá landgemǽra tó Gósíge, vi. 8, 19. Æt Weattan-igge,C. D. B. i. 544, 1.
Full form


  • íg, n.